Search Results for: e banking

Future of ATM banking in India

Yesterday’s physical attack on an ATM customer at Bangalore should be an eye opener for all security professionals who are interested in security as well as Bank professionals who are promoting for increased use of ATM as a customer service … Continue reading

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Facebook Banking application from ICICI Bank

The ICICI Bank application on Face Book that facilitates money transfers to “Friends” is reported to have the following functionality. The application is called “Pockets” -Split & Share that allows customers to split and track expenses and share them with … Continue reading

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Can we believe that RBI inadvertently missed a Banking license applicant?

In what appears to be a big joke, it is reported that RBI inadvertently missed announcing the name of the Chandigarh based “KC Land &Finance” as one of the applicants to Banking license which it announced with fanfare on July … Continue reading

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New Banking Licensees- Beware of IT Companies who want to trap you.

RBI has now invited applications for new banking license from private sector which has attracted 26 aspirants to make an application. Many of these are thinking of building their Banking empire on the edifice of technology. Already, Indian Banking system … Continue reading

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New Banking Licenses in India

The recent decision of RBI to  invite fresh applications for new Banking licenses have evoked response from 26 applicants. The undersigned who joined the Banking industry in 1973 and has been in working in the industry upto 1987 and later … Continue reading

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Should Indian Post be granted Banking license?..Do they need one?

The decision of Indian Postal Department to seek a Banking license from RBI through the Licensing Scheme meant for private sector has been an object of discussion since the announcement was made.  The application is a source of embarrassment to … Continue reading

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