Search Results for: cyber appellate tribunal

Cyber Law Space to be active again?

During the last two years of UPA rule, the Ministry of Communications and Information Technology (MCIT) was conspicuous by its lack of productive activity. Mr Kapil Sibal who became the Minister in charge of the minister was involved more in … Continue reading

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Kapil Sibal was the villain for Cyber Crime Victims

Mr Kapil Sibal who was the minister for IT in the UPA 2 Government is seeking election from Delhi Chandi Chowk which is going to polls on 10th of April 2014. Though this site is not a political site and … Continue reading

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Plight of Cyber Crime Victims in Karnataka

The plight of Cyber Crime victims of Karnataka has been brought out in an article which appeared in New Indian Express Today. See the article here The article provides the background of the dispute which has also been explained in … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008 | 1 Comment

Year 2012 in retrospect..from the view point of Cyber Law in India

The Cyber Law scene in India during 2012 was dominated by the discussions of Section 66A. The rules notified under sections 43A and 79 which held center stage in 2011 also continued into 2012. The end of the year however … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, Privacy, TELCO, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cyber Demonstration

The incidents in Delhi over the past one week have indicated how the power of the voice of the people can make even the most adamant Government to sit up and take notice. Initially the Government tried to ignore the … Continue reading

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Section 66A is not meant for “Cyber Defamation”

Besides other issues confronting our country today, if we restrict our focus to the Cyber Law domain, two major issues are in focus. One is the debate on whether Section 66A of ITA 2008 is constitutionally valid and the other … Continue reading

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