Search Results for: "Theory of Data"

E Book on Personal Data Protection Act of India published

  It is a pleasure to announce that the first book on Personal Data Protection Act of India has been released through Kindle…Amazon. Kindle version of this book is available at Rs 300/- The Print version is available both through … Continue reading

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2020 will be the year of Data Protection in India

The year 2000 was the year of the Cyber Law in India with the notification of the Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) in India. Year 2009 saw ITA 2000 acquire a information security outlook with the amendments of 2008. … Continue reading

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A compendium of Privacy and Data Protection Articles in the last few months

The last few moths have seen a flurry of activity on related to Privacy and Data Protection. In order to bring all the articles published during this period into one list for easy reference, containing 39 articles. It would … Continue reading

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Anonymization and Avatars of Data

“Anonymization” takes personal data out of the purview of most data protection regulations. Hence it is one of the objectives of data protection compliance managers to mitigate the data protection risks by pushing part of the “Protected Data” out of … Continue reading

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Additive Value hypothesis of ownership of data

Out of the three hypotheses which we took up for discussion in constituting the Naavi’s Theory of Data, we have so far discussed the “Definition hypothesis” and “Reversible life cycle hypothesis”. We shall now take up the third hypothesis through … Continue reading

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New Data Theory of Naavi built on three hypotheses

In searching a proper expression and articulation of the Theory of Data, Naavi has decided to adopt a set of three hypotheses which are the pillars of this New Theory of Data. The three hypotheses are a) A hypothesis that … Continue reading

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