Search Results for: privacy

PDPA 2021: Concept of Discovery Consent

The PDPB2019/DPA 2021 addresses several pro-active compliance requirements aimed at managing personal data by data fiduciaries and data processors with the intention of protecting the “Privacy” of an individual. Contraventions  result in civil penalties upto a maximum of 4% of … Continue reading

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An Innovator Challenges Bankers to innovate or perish

My previous article in which I highlighted my concerns about the Crypto Currencies and Ripple has naturally irritated many Crypto fans. I thank one of the comments from Netizen Thes  made on this blog  which I would like to answer … Continue reading

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JPC Recommendations on SWIFT Alternative: Out of scope and Disruptive of Global Economic System

One of the surprising inclusions in the recommendations of the JPC on PDPB is related to the SWIFT network.  The recommendation 8 states “The Committee observe that data protection in the financial sector is a matter of genuine concern worldwide, … Continue reading

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JPC recommendation on Children Data

In designing the Data Protection regulations, problem areas have been a) Deceased data principals b) Legacy holdings of personal data c) Personal data of minor children. Having adopted “Consent” as a basic form of establishing lawfulness of processing, it is … Continue reading

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JPC comments beyond the Amendments-2: Implementation Schedule

In the PDPB 2018, a clear road map of implementation of the law had been provided. This had been removed in the PDPB 2019. However in the DPB 2021, the detailed implementation schedule has been suggested. This may be made … Continue reading

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Clarifications from the JPC Chairman on DPA 2021

Since the release of the draft PDPB 2021, there have been many views expressed by different organizations and some of them are listed below: Comparing the Draft Data Protection Bill 2021 with its predecessors: Data Protection Bill: Hits and … Continue reading

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