Search Results for: e banking

Let RBI show Who is the Boss

Over the last few days, there have been lot of discussions in all levels about what caused the mega data breach that compromised a suspected 32 lakh debit card data belonging 10 around 19 Banks. As we expected and desired, … Continue reading

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Consumer Protection Bill 2015-Some thoughts-3

(This is a continuation of the series of articles on this subject) Article1 : Article 2 : Article 3: Article 4 : Article 5 (Easy to Read copy of the Bill) The Dispute Resolution Mechanism The main objective of CPB 2015 is to … Continue reading

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Consumer Protection Bill 2015..some thoughts..1

(This is part of a series of articles on this subject) Article1 : Article 2 : Article 3: Article 4 : Article 5 (Easy to Read copy of the Bill) The Government of India has introduced the Consumer Protection Bill 2015 (CPB2015) in … Continue reading

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Attracting Legislative Retribution by Deliberate Neglect and Apathy

Naavi has been trying to promote “Voluntary Compliance of Cyber Laws” since 2000 when ITA 2000 was notified. The slogan for “Cyber Law Compliance is the Corporate Mantra for Digital Era” was first stated by me in a CII seminar … Continue reading

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NCRB releases misleading Cyber Crime data for 2015

As an annual ritual, National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) has released the Crime data for the year 2015 which includes data regarding Cyber Crimes registered and disposed off in India in 2015. Copy of the Report :  Full Report : Cyber Crime … Continue reading

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SWIFT Hacking exposes Indian Banks to huge Risks

The hacking of a Bangladeshi Bank last February where about $81 million was transferred by fraudsters hacking into the SWIFT Inter Bank money transfer system is a grim reminder of the weaknesses in our Banking eco system. The detailed account … Continue reading

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