Search Results for: bank fraud

Aadhar Nightmare continues

Ever since the Aadhar scheme was introduced, security specialists have been warning about the large scale problems that may be caused by loss of identity of individuals. The UIDAI authroities have been going ahead with spending of public money and … Continue reading

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Migrating to Adaptive Authentication

Banks in India have been traditionally using the “Legally Non Compliant”, “Password based Authentication” for their E Banking requirements. As a result there are frequent customer-Bank conflicts where the customer demands that Bank should undertake the liability on account of … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008, RBI, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Hong Kong set to become another Nigeria in Cyber Crimes

Cyber Crime observers are well aware of “Nigerian Frauds” where people from Nigeria cheat persons globally on false allurements. Exporters to Nigeria are aware from times immemorial that remittances from Nigeria are unreliable. Bankers refuse to finance exporters for exports … Continue reading

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Charter of Demand on behalf of Netizens of Bangalore

Naavi has developed a charter of demand on behalf of the Netizens of Bangalore in the context of the forthcoming polls. Details are available at The essential part of the demand are: 1. Recognize the existence of Netizens as part … Continue reading

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Payment authentication through missed calls?

A new system of online payment authentication through “missed Calls” has been launched by a company in India and is being suggested as a system of Two Factor Authentication which is better than the OTP system now being used. According … Continue reading

Posted in TELCO | 1 Comment

E Business Failures

E Business is today part of every business. Managing E Business requires an assessment of E Business risks and managing them appropriately. As a person who was once in the Banking and Finance industry and engaged in project assessment for … Continue reading

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