Search Results for: bank

2020 will be the year of Data Protection in India

The year 2000 was the year of the Cyber Law in India with the notification of the Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) in India. Year 2009 saw ITA 2000 acquire a information security outlook with the amendments of 2008. … Continue reading

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The “New Reasonable Security Practice” under Section 43A of ITA 2000 is PDPA 2018 draft bill

Blood pressure is raising for some activists who have been opposing the present draft of the Personal Data Protection Act 2018 (PDPA 2018)  with the news that the Government has stuck to its commitment by re-presenting the Bill as recommended … Continue reading

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Cyber Appeals with TDSAT not affected by the Supreme Court judgement

The recent judgement of the Supreme Court Rojer Mathew Vs South Indian Bank Ltd & ors Civil Appeal No 8588 of 2019 dated November 13, 2019 has raised a doubt in some circles as to whether TDSAT continues to be … Continue reading

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CBI Enquiry is required for finding the truth behind TransUnion taking over CIBIL

I have earlier discussed in these columns matters related to my following RTI application in which I had queried both the RBI and the Ministry of Finance that Trans Union International Inc, an US based Company increased its share holding … Continue reading

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Supreme Court should mandate addition of the Verified and Unverified status to Social media accounts

There is a debate presently going on in the Supreme Court of India about the responsibilities of the Social Media Companies such as FaceBook and Twitter in preventing “Fake Accounts” and “Fake News”. It is beyond question that Fake news … Continue reading

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Sri Lankan Data Protection Bill fails to learn from the Indian draft

Sri Lankan Ministry of Digital Infrastructure and Information Technology (SLMDIIT) has announced that it has finalized a framework for a Data Protection Bill defining measures to protect personal data of individuals held by Banks,Telecom Operators, Hospitals and other personal data … Continue reading

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