Search Results for: bank

Compliance of digital signature systems with Indian law

India has adopted the digital signature law as per Information Technology Act (ITA 2000) and declared it to be the only form of authentication of an electronic document recognized in India. Initially there was Section 3 which adopted a system … Continue reading

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Has the Bitcoin lobby put pressure on MeitY?

[This is in continuation of the previous article] At a time when the “Personal Data Protection Bill 2019” needs to be passed into an act and atleast 2 or 3 meetings of the JPC has to be completed before the … Continue reading

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Stock Market Fall in India is influenced by the Bitcoin decision of the Supreme Court

The Indian Stock markets have had a free fall in the last few weeks from around an index level of 12000 to 9000. While most people consider this as a reaction to the impact of business slowing down due to … Continue reading

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Proportionality Test Clarified by Supreme Court

In recent days a lot of discussion is centered around “Proportionality” when it comes to use of Government powers to either make laws or make regulations under the specific laws. It has become a tendency for politically motivated litigants to … Continue reading

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Supreme Court blesses Bitcoin which is better for Money Laundering than Painting

The recent Bollywood judgement on Bitcoin from the Supreme Court has given a fresh lease of life to Black Money in India. This is a set back for the efforts of Mr Modi to fight corruption and could be termed … Continue reading

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Hypocrisy of the “Global Trade Bodies” who oppose PDPA

There have been a flash of Press release from a consortium of MNCs namely Amazon, Apple, Google, Microsoft, Facebook and IBM expressing “Concern” over the “Privacy Protection of Indian Citizens” and how the Indian Government is trying to create an … Continue reading

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