Search Results for: privacy

No Benefit in opposing DPA 2021

Some companies and their paid media friends seem to believe that it is better if India does not pass the PDPB 2019/DPA 2021. Various strategies are being used to create doubts in the minds of people that India does not … Continue reading

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The Voice of Data Protection Professionals in India

FDPPI, which is often referred to as the “Dada of Data Protection” in India has been publishing a quarterly journal (presently in e-form) in the name of “Data Protection Journal of India”. The journal started in January 2021 has now … Continue reading

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Is Protecting India’s interest a Bad Joke?

One of the interesting and at the same time informative criticisms about the new CERT-IN guidelines came from In multiple articles under the by lane of Mr Sarvesh Methi, the website has argued India’s Cyber Security Directive goes against … Continue reading

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Brain Computer Interfaces

The study of Neuro Rights Law for the purpose of developing Jurisprudence requires an understanding the neuro science as well as the technology that interacts with the neuro systems of humans. So far we have tried to establish the relevance … Continue reading

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What are Neuro Rights?

At present “Privacy Right” is considered as a “Right to be let alone”. However, in practice, “Protection of Privacy Rights” is reduced to “Protection of Information Privacy” which is essentially, giving protection to the “Right of Choice” of an individual … Continue reading

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Starting the journey to the Neuro Rights Law and Technology

India entered the era of Cyber Laws in 2000 with ITA 2000 and  made a soft entry to data protection law in 2009 with the notification of ITA 2008 and likely to enter the field of Data Protection law in … Continue reading

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