Search Results for: bank

SBI takes one Step forward but falls short…in calling for a DPO application.

State bank of India became one of the first Bankers to call for applications for the appointment of a “Data Protection Officer”. It has recently released an advertisement calling for applications. It is good to know that the Bank has … Continue reading

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Name and Shame Rogue Domain Name Registrars

Congratulations to Delhi police fr busting the “Aysushman Bharat fake website fraud”. It has been reported (Refer Indian Express article) that four persons were arrested in Delhi for running a fake website by the name and cheating public by … Continue reading

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To Whomsoever It May concern…. One Question to Mr Modi on one year of completion

To Whomsoever It May concern Right now, I am asking one question to Mr Modi on why he is ignoring the need to remove the Digital Black Money which is taking roots in India. I hope I will receive the … Continue reading

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“To Whomsoever It may Concern” …series of postings

Dear Friends of this Blog, This Blog has been running since 1998 and on various occasions made comments on Cyber Law as it has been emerging in our country. These were meant to develop Cyber Jurisprudence in an area where … Continue reading

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Terror financing, Money Laundering, Cyber Crimes and Black Money are all welcome in India…

The Bitcoin community in India is gloating over the predicament of RBI which had to confirm in an RTI reply that “as on date, no prohibition exists on any Banks providing the Bank accounts for Crypto Exchange companies or Crypto … Continue reading

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What If I get a fake product in online purchase?

When we order an expensive device like a Mobile or laptop online and end up receiving a package containing stones as the above unfortunate gentleman is reported to have received, one wonders how to recover the loss. The E Commerce … Continue reading

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