Search Results for: bank

ICANN may face a Trial in Indian Supreme Court

The apex organization that controls the Internet namely ICANN (Internet Corporation of Assigned names and Numbers) is all set to face the Indian Courts. A PIL is all set to be filed in the Indian Supreme Court against ICANN thanks … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, ITA 2008 | 2 Comments

Divide and Destroy Policy to delay Passing of PDPB 2019

Hindustan Times has carried an article today under the title “RBI Seeks exemption from Data Protection Law”.  At first glance it appears to be a serious opinion from the financial regulator but on deeper verification, appear to be a planted … Continue reading

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Atleast Now Mr Modi should know the Villain called Bitcoin

It is reported that Mr Narendra Modi’s twitter account was hacked and a request was placed for contribution to the PM’s fund through Bitcoins. It is obvious that this is the work of fraudulent hackers who must have been able … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Net4India discontinuance of service..Towards finding a solution

Two years back, when I wrote the article “Is Net4India closing down”? , I thought it was meant only to stimulate the company into gearing itself towards improving its service deficiencies. At that time I had got some information from … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 13 Comments

Twitter Hack highlights the need for Indian PDPA Provision on Social Media Intermediary

The great Twitter hack is a serious development in the Cyber Security scenario that has many implications. It has highlighted that the security of Twitter is not good enough for the level of its operations and the sensitivity of its … Continue reading

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The First Bold Step towards disrupting an established system is always a challenge

Often in our professional career, we get into a conflict between what we believe is correct and what is happening around us. A large number of professionals in whom the “Fear of Failure” dominate, tend to avoid opening out with … Continue reading

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