Search Results for: e banking

The 18 year Journey Since the Digital Society was born in India

Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) was notified on 17th October 2000 and today is the 18th year after India legally recognized the Electronic Document as equivalent to Paper Document and Digital Signature as equivalent to physical signature leading to … Continue reading

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Facebook data breach, punctures the argument against Data Localization

Leading upto to the discussion on PDPA 2018 in the Parliament, there is an orchestrated opposition to the Data localisation aspect recommended in the PDPA 2018. However, the Face Book data breach which has reportedly compromised over 50 million accounts … Continue reading

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Johari Window… and the Story of the Emperor’s New Clothes… Perhaps the Supreme Court should take a lesson about

“Johari Window” is a well known principle used by behavioural scientists and known to most of the Corporate managers. The recent happenings in the Supreme Court of India indicate that the Judges who head constitutional benches need to be given … Continue reading

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BJP being blamed for a Mega Bitcoin scam is a good thing..

Bitcoin is the currency of criminals and is the digital black money. Now India’s most corrupt party called Congress is blaming BJP which is making efforts to reduce black money through various measures such as Demonetization, Linking of Aadhaar to … Continue reading

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Cyber Security is my Fundamental Right

After the Supreme Court ruling in the Puttaswamy case, it is clear that the intentions of the Court is that Privacy is a Fundamental Right protected under the Indian Constitution. The Aadhaar judgement is still not announced and we are … Continue reading

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China may be developing its own unbreakable encryption system through Quantum Computing

[P.S: This is in continuation of the previous articles “Is it the beginning of the Chinese domination of the globe?…Mr Modi to take note”. and China Working on achieving Quantum Supremacy. In the previous articles, we referred to some of the recent progresses … Continue reading

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