Search Results for: theory of data

Regulation of Non Personal Data.. Recommendations of the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee-4

(This is a continuation of the previous article) Ownership of Data KGC has articulated a legal basis for establishing rights over “Data”. Apart from recognizing the “Data Sovereignty” concept where the State has a primary right of ownership of assets … Continue reading

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Regulation of Non Personal Data.. Recommendations of the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee-1

The Kris Gopalakrishna Committee (KGC) has released its report on “Data Governance” which is available for public comments till August 13. The report is a rich collection of thoughts that need some churning before recommendations can be formulated. There are … Continue reading

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Redefining “Personal Data” for the purpose of PDPA

I refer to an article today in Financial Express titled “Personal Data Protection Bll: Will it disrupt our data eco system? This article discusses the importance of the early passage of PDPB 2019 and at the same time highlights the … Continue reading

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What is the nature of Data in property terms?

There was an interesting interview of Mr Mukhesh Ambani with Mr Arnab Goswami in which Mr Mukesh Ambani has spoken about “Data Ownership” and “Data Monetization”. He has strongly advocated that “Data” belongs to an individual or Corporate and no … Continue reading

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E Book on Personal Data Protection Act of India published

  It is a pleasure to announce that the first book on Personal Data Protection Act of India has been released through Kindle…Amazon. Kindle version of this book is available at Rs 300/- The Print version is available both through … Continue reading

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2020 will be the year of Data Protection in India

The year 2000 was the year of the Cyber Law in India with the notification of the Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) in India. Year 2009 saw ITA 2000 acquire a information security outlook with the amendments of 2008. … Continue reading

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