Search Results for: shreya singhal

New Intermediary Guidelines… Legitimate and Well within the rights of the Government

[This is in continuation of the Previous Article] Some times “Experts” also go wrong. Particularly when they look at every Government notification with the colored glasses borrowed from the Political opponents. Today’s Economic Times highlights  “Plan to tweak IT rules … Continue reading

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Proactive technology tools to identify intermediary rules

[This is in continuation of the previous article on the topic] Continuing our discussion on the new Intermediary guideline, one other aspect that is attracting attention in the media is the proposed Rule no 9 which states as follows: “The … Continue reading

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New Intermediary Guidelines.. Intermediaries need to have Indian Subsidiaries..

[This is in continuation of the previous article on the subject] In the 2011 version of the guidelines, the “Due Diligence” included  a prompt action to be taken by the intermediary when a complaint is received by them about some … Continue reading

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Intermediary Guidelines.. Who is and who is not an intermediary?

The following are the comments from on the proposed modified rules under Section 79 of ITA 2000/8 released for public comments on 24th December 2018. After the passage of amendments to ITA 2000 in December 2008, which was notified … Continue reading

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Surveillance and Monitoring are not the same

When the honourable Supreme Court considered the issue of Section 66A of ITA 2000/8 and ended up scrapping the section as being violative of the Indian Constitution, we had raised the objection to the decision on the ground that the … Continue reading

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Closure of case: Sharat Digumarti gets relief amidst Intriguing precedents created

The case which was one of the earliest criminal prosecutions to be launched under Information Technology Act 2000 appears to have finally completed its journey with the quashing of criminal prosecution against Mr Sharat Babu Digumarti. This case was … Continue reading

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