Search Results for: Bitcoin

Supreme Court hearing on Bitcoin and have reported that the hearing at Supreme Court took place on 8th August 2019 and certain points were presented. The petitions are being heard by a bench consisting of justices Mr R F Nariman and Surya Kant. … Continue reading

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Why Naavi thinks that Bitcoins should be banned in India?

Recently, I was posed a question from an aggrieved Bitcoin professional why I was such a strong critic of Bitcoins.  Several questions were posed to me in this regard. My strong views on Bitcoins has estranged me with many of … Continue reading

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Modi looses to Trump in leading the global fight against Bitcoins and Libra

This site has time and again called upon Mr Modi to stand upto his commitment for eliminating Black money by extending the action to the Digital Space by banning the Crypto currencies.  We had urged Mr Modi to take up … Continue reading

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Is the Supreme Court aware… of the adverse impact of Bitcoins?

The Supreme Court is hearing a petition from the Crypto Currency industry players challenging the April 6, 2018 RBI Circular that disallowed entities regulated by it from providing banking channels to exchanges to trade in crypto currency. RBI has been … Continue reading

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Police train on Bitcoin Crimes while Alliance University and Supreme Court deliberate

  As the new Finance Minister in India takes over the reigns of managing the economy,  the Bitcoin industry has scaled up its efforts to some how bring in some semblance of regulatory recognition to Bitcoin and leaving no stone … Continue reading

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Attention Smt Nirmala Sitharaman, It is time to act on the Digital Black Money, Bitcoin and Libra in your budget proposal

Naavi calling for banning of Crypto Currencies is old news. I have many times faced the question if Crypto Currency (say Bitcoin) is so bad, why is it that USA among other countries is not banning it?. Now I can take … Continue reading

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