Search Results for: e banking

Supreme Court hearing on Bitcoin and have reported that the hearing at Supreme Court took place on 8th August 2019 and certain points were presented. The petitions are being heard by a bench consisting of justices Mr R F Nariman and Surya Kant. … Continue reading

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Modi looses to Trump in leading the global fight against Bitcoins and Libra

This site has time and again called upon Mr Modi to stand upto his commitment for eliminating Black money by extending the action to the Digital Space by banning the Crypto currencies.  We had urged Mr Modi to take up … Continue reading

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G 20 recommends breaking of anonymity behind Crypto currency

The recent G 20 meet at Osaka which was attended by Mr Narendra Modi discussed among other things the issue of “Money Laundering” and “Terror Financing”. The role of Crypto Currencies particularly in the light of the entry of FaceBook … Continue reading

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PDPA Compliance for Data Anaytics and AI industries

PDPA or the Personal Data Protection Act which is being introduced in the Parliament during the current session will be a landmark legislation in India. Presently PDPA is in draft Bill stage and it may become a law during this … Continue reading

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Status of Cyber Insurance in India

Naavi has been one of the early proponents of Cyber Insurance in India. This site carries many articles in the past on the subject of Cyber Insurance (Refer here). Additionally,  contains many of these articles in one place. In … Continue reading

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Dear John McAfee, If you declare war on India, be ready for retaliation

John McAfee who some times back  vowed that he would unmask the identity of Satoshi Nakamoto and said “Finding Satoshi is a piece of cake” has now declared “War on India” in support of Bitcoin. Knowing the brilliance of this … Continue reading

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