Search Results for: bank fraud

Life after Demonetization

After the demonetization of Rs 500 and Rs 1000 currency on November 8, 2016, we have all been discussing cashless and less cash digital payment systems. Presently there are several options beyond the Cheques, NEFT, RTGS ,IMPS as well as … Continue reading

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How Much time RBI wants to examine public responses to August 11 circular? has been from time to time bringing to the attention of the public the urgent need for RBI to issue a confirmatory circular regarding the “Limited Liability” it proposed through a draft circular No RBI/2016-17/DBR. No. Leg. BC/09.07.005/2016-17. In … Continue reading

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Let RBI show Who is the Boss

Over the last few days, there have been lot of discussions in all levels about what caused the mega data breach that compromised a suspected 32 lakh debit card data belonging 10 around 19 Banks. As we expected and desired, … Continue reading

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Free Anti Ransomware Tools for SMEs

Considering the threat that ransom ware poses to all businesses, it is possible that even small businesses and individuals may get trapped though they are not the primary target for the fraudster in view of their small value. While the … Continue reading

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“Pay up… or else, your device will burst..and you will die”..could be the new ransom ware threat

Our war against ransomware  should start with better awareness about the epidemic as it is evolving. Ignorance is not the the concern only in India. Even in US it is stated that more than two thirds of US office workers are … Continue reading

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NCRB releases misleading Cyber Crime data for 2015

As an annual ritual, National Crimes Record Bureau (NCRB) has released the Crime data for the year 2015 which includes data regarding Cyber Crimes registered and disposed off in India in 2015. Copy of the Report :  Full Report : Cyber Crime … Continue reading

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