Search Results for: bitcoin

Start a War on Ransomware. It is Cyber Terrorism

In recent days, “Ransomware” has become a global threat to IT and requires some strong counter measures to be undertaken. A few months back, ransomware attack had been reported in Hyderabad and more recently, I came across an incident in … Continue reading

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Save Facebook … from “Dark Facebook Groups”

It will appear strange that Naavi is calling for “Save Facebook” when most think that it is in great shape and thriving to challenge Google today which itself has dwarfed even Microsoft. But for those of us who have seen Napster … Continue reading

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What should be the policy on Crypto Coins in Digital India ?

One of the issues that the Government of India is now trying to address is reduction in Black Money in the system. E Banking and Mobile Banking are expected to assist in the reduction of use of cash in the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Why Cyber Insurance seekers need to do better home work

Naavi has been advocating that companies need to start using  Cyber Insurance in India though the current level of awareness as well as the penetration is low. In these circumstances, the news that BitPay, a Bitcoin processor  could not recover … Continue reading

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One crime to hide another crime.. $ 10 million goes down the drain for two Mumbai Companies

In what should be an eye opener to the Corporate Sector, Law Enforcement and the Government, it is reported that two Indian conglomerates were forced to pay $5 million each to hackers who blackmailed them. Refer Report in ET Refer … Continue reading

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Volkswagen fraud opens up debate on source code secrecy, audit and compliance issues

Information Security auditors are some times required to conduct a “Software Source Code audit” to find out if the software is reliable and does not have any malicious codes embedded there in which may violate the privacy of the user … Continue reading

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