Search Results for: bank fraud

Who is Responsible for Cheque Cloning?

“One fraudster has opened a current account in bombay. Deposited high value cloned cheques of another bank in his banks branch at surat. His banker is a collecting bank. Collecting bank officials have verified the chqs in UV Lamp and … Continue reading

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There is no miracle cure for Blue Whale Challenge… Every one including Privacy Activists need to contribute…

As we wake up today to the news that two boys in Bangalore were detected to have been playing Blue whale challenge “game”, the threat seems to be spreading fast. Bangalore is reported to be the sixth city in the … Continue reading

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Does SBI Cards pose a special risk for customers because of Incompetence and possible collusion?

We have been discussing the “Limited Liability” Circular of RBI which was first issued in draft form on August 11, 2016 and confirmed on July 6 2017. However, recently when one of the customers of SBI Cards from Chennai, (a … Continue reading

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20 Seconds Mobile Hacking scare… Can We look at Solutions?

For the last few days, the YouTube video of Mr Saket Modi showing the 20 Sec mobile hack in a TV studio in front of honourable Minister of IT and Law, Mr Ravishankar Prasad with some key officials of Government … Continue reading

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The Aadhar unauthorized access case in Bangalore.. Requires More Debate

“Data Theft”, “Hacking”, “Aadhar Data Breach” etc have been the terms used in describing the instance where a person by name Abhinav Srivatsava, who was working as an executive in Ola Cabs created a mobile app and enabled e-Kyc to … Continue reading

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Are Drugs to be made legal in India?

What a ridiculous question to ask?… any one would say. But this thought came to me after reading the comment supposedly made by a Finance Ministry Official (Unknown) quoted by in its article available here. (If this quote is … Continue reading

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