Search Results for: bank

Money Laundering has been made easy.. by the Finance Minister…Enjoy the destruction of the world order..

The decision of the Finance Minister to recognize digital assets of the kind which we call “Crypto Currencies” today through a taxation slab has opened the flood gates for money laundering in India. Now it is possible to register an … Continue reading

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Google is Inefficient: Cannot distinguish Naavi from Navi

When I first entered the web space with an email and my first website, I took upon the recognition as “Naavi”. My first book in 1998 was authored under the name Naavi. (Cyber Laws for Every Netizen in India). My … Continue reading

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At last some credible organization agrees with Naavi that Crypto currencies have to be out right banned

Over the last several years, Naavi’s has been the sole voice that Crypto Currencies need to be banned outright. But the corrupt lobby everywhere have been advancing different arguments including the importance of Block chain as a technology, collection of … Continue reading

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JPC Recommendations on SWIFT Alternative: Out of scope and Disruptive of Global Economic System

One of the surprising inclusions in the recommendations of the JPC on PDPB is related to the SWIFT network.  The recommendation 8 states “The Committee observe that data protection in the financial sector is a matter of genuine concern worldwide, … Continue reading

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PDPA 2021: The nature of Data as an Asset and nomination facility

India enacted ITA 2000 (Information Technology Act 2000) with effect from 17th October 2000 and amended it in 2008 with effect from 27th October 2009. The provisions of ITA 2000/8 included legal recognition for a binary expression which we refer … Continue reading

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The Crypto Rupee

The proposed “The Cryptocurrency and Regulation of Official Digital Currency Bill, 2021” (Crypto Bill-2021) is expected to “Prohibit” private crypto currencies and also enable issue of a RBI controlled Crypto currency. Knowing the power of corruption, we need to wait … Continue reading

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