Search Results for: privacy

Right to be Forgotten under Indian Law.. Participate in the Discussion

Right to be Forgotten was a distinct feature of GDPR and a concept discovered by  the EU Court of Justice. In the case against Google, CJEU found the GDPR law required a halt to online publication of results that were … Continue reading

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Data Protection Hexagon.. An Approach to being compliant

To Be compliant with Data protection or Privacy Protection through Personal Data Protection, an organization needs to implement a systematic approach like a project implementation.  The “Privacy By Design” is a term used in the industry to indicate the approach. … Continue reading

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Cross Border Transfer of Data as an International Property issue

“Data” is accepted as an “asset”. “Personal Data” is in practice considered as an “asset belonging to the data subject”, the limited use of which can be transferred to a Data Controller under a contractual arrangement. In India we consider … Continue reading

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e-Sports and Online Gaming

In the recent days, Government of India came up with two notifications related to electronic gaming which needs to be taken note of. E Sports The first is the Gazette notification declaring e-Sports as a part of “Multi Sports Events” … Continue reading

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EDPB Decision on noyb complaint against Meta is ultra-vires its authority and unfair

After GDPR became effective on May 25, 2018, many businesses had to re-work their personal data handling methods to ensure that the collection meets the requirements under Article 6 of GDPR related to “Lawfulness of Processing”. Article 6 of GDPR  … Continue reading

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Hats off to the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget-5: Evolution of the Right to be forgotten

[This is a continuation of our earlier article on the Kerala Judgement on Right to Forget] The Kerala High Court Judgement on Right to Forget is a landmark judgement for the reason that it went into details of the Definition … Continue reading

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