Search Results for: e banking

A Note for the attention of SMEs- on Cheque Disincentivisation

RBI Move on Cheques to hit SMEs hard Reserve Bank of India (RBI) has issued a “Discussion Paper” on “Disincentivisation of issuance and usage of Cheques” on January 31, 2013 and invited public comments by February 28, 2013. Since the … Continue reading

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Executive Director RBI calls for Round Table for discussion on Cyber Fraud liability

On January 2, 2013,  Mr G.Padmanabhan, (GP) Executive Director of RBI gave a keynote address in Banker’s club Trivandrum where he has echoed some of the arguments used in the discussion paper on disincentivisation of cheques which was later released … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Netizen's Forum, RBI | Leave a comment Response to RBI Discussion Paper on Disincentivisation of Cheques has finalized its first response to the RBI discussion paper on Disincentivisation of cheques released by RBI on 31st January 2013. A Copy of the response is available here : Public comments can be sent upto 28th … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, Information Assurance, Netizen's Forum, Privacy, RBI, Uncategorized | 3 Comments

Message sent to RBI through the website of RBI

I refer to the discussion paper on “Disincentivisation of the issue and usage of cheques” by RBI through the Payment and Settlement Department on January 31, 2013 for which public are expected to send their response. The matter is of … Continue reading

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Message sent to Payment and Settlement Department RBI through the website

The payment settlement department has authored the E Banking promotion policy reflected in the discussion paper on disincentivisation of cheque usage. I would like to state that this is a promotion of commercial banking business rather than technology enablement and … Continue reading

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RBI has been taken over by hawks

RBI has traditionally been known as consumer friendly. Top executives of RBI have always upheld the interest of common man in devising their policies. This was seen through out the days when technology made inroads to Banking. The SR Mittal … Continue reading

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