Search Results for: bitcoin

Is our GST system safe from a future Petya attack?

A day after the Petya attack, it is now recognized that those who pay ransom for Petya attack may not be able to get the decryption key and decrypt their system back to action. The attack is now being dubbed … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 5 Comments

National Crypto Currency is the way to go…. with an International Crypto Currency Regulatory Authority to be set up

It is good to note that the World view is slowly but surely tilting towards the adoption of Crypto Currencies which are managed by the regulators of the Fiat countries instead of the privately managed “Decentralized” and “Unregulated” Crypto Currencies … Continue reading

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Will the Government succumb to Zebpay PR pressure?

While the Government of India’s committee on Bitcoin regulation is in the process of evaluating the responses received on the MyGov site on whether Bitcoin is to be Banned or Regulated or Observed?, there have been a spate of articles … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Behind the WannaCry adversity there is the silver lining of Cyber Insurance Awareness

The recent ransom ware attacks with  Wanna Cry have woken up the Indian corporate sector  to the needs of having Cyber Insurance as a means of recovering the losses arising out of such attacks. I refer to the article in … Continue reading

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More on Wipro Terror threat… We need to shed our complacency

P.S. This is in continuation of the previous article The second e-mail threat received by Wipro has been reported with some more detail today in this article in Times of India.  According to this report, the investigation has now been taken … Continue reading

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A Lesson in Section 65(ITA) Compliance and use of Section 65B (IEA) certification emerges out of MCX issue

Recently, I had raised an objection about a comment posted by MCX of India limited on the Discussion forum of regarding Bitcoin regulation. The Government had asked for public opinion on the forum which was expected to be used … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment