Search Results for: privacy

DPDPB 2022 Proposal on Free Cross Border Transfer is against National Interests

In a statement which was attributed to the MOS Sri Rajeev Chandrashekar, Economic Times reported that there is a proposal to allow “Cros Border Data Flow by Default”. Just like “Privacy By Default”, the proposal suggests “Free Data Transfer by … Continue reading

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New Digital India Act-3 : Should the negative list be continued?

(This is a continuation of the previous article on this subject in the series) The DIA as proposed by the MeitY is proposed to replace the current ITA 2000. The structure of the new Act may see deletion of Chapter … Continue reading

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New Digital India Act in the making-2: Integrity of ChatGPT like models

On May 26th, 2022, the MeitY had released the “National Data Governance Framework Policy” for public consultation. Mr Rajeev Chandrashekar has made a reference to this policy while introducing the proposed Digital India Act and stated that this policy would … Continue reading

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The RRR saga… and Suppression of information on suspected Cognizable offence

[PS: This post is slightly off-topic. It is posted as a reflection of a responsible citizen from Karnataka unhappy with the developments.  Ignore if you donot consider it relevant for you] In the Rohini-Roopa-Ravi discussion that is  raging in Karnataka, … Continue reading

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“Personal Digital Age” needs to be given a legal recognition

Information Technology Act 2000 (ITA 2000) defined Electronic Document as a “Binary Expression” and legally recognized a definition for  “Document in Electronic Form”.  It provided a legal recognition making such documents  as equivalent to “Paper documents”. Simultaneously the “Digital  Signature” … Continue reading

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Is AI regulation built into DPDPB 2022?

Jurisprudence is an interpretation of law by experts. One narrow view of “Jurisprudence” is that it is restricted to the views of a Court like the Supreme Court which is considered binding for the lower Courts. But this is a … Continue reading

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