Search Results for: bank fraud

Supreme Court should declare Bitcoin as prevent Mr Modi gaining a higher moral ground

I as a citizen of India place this information for the attention of the honourable Supreme Court and demand that the Court should take into account the adverse effect that the Bitcoin regularization may have on the Indian Society before … Continue reading

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Cyber Criminals disturb the Hornet’s Nest in Bengaluru by attacking the DGP

In an interesting cyber crime reported from Bangaluru, the DGP and Chief of Internal Security Division, Mr Ashit Mohan Prasad, IPS, was defrauded by Cyber Criminals to the extent of Rs 2 lakhs. This was a typical fraud in which … Continue reading

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Don’t Ask Aadhaar Number. Ask Virtual ID. It is permitted

After the 1448 page judgement on Aadhaar, it appears that some of the Private Sector companies are worried about the e-KYC process they were using for their business and whether they need to go back to the manual KYC process … Continue reading

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Controller of Certifying Authorities can improve security of Digital Signatures

Digital Signatures are the legally recognized means of authentication of electronic documents in India. Though many companies including Banks ignore that Password is not the legally acceptable authentication, it is being widely used for many authentications including the financial transactions. … Continue reading

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Johari Window… and the Story of the Emperor’s New Clothes… Perhaps the Supreme Court should take a lesson about

“Johari Window” is a well known principle used by behavioural scientists and known to most of the Corporate managers. The recent happenings in the Supreme Court of India indicate that the Judges who head constitutional benches need to be given … Continue reading

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Will TDSAT render justice to Cyber Crime Victims?… I seek some answers

Cyber Crime victims in India have been waiting for a long time for the re-activation of Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CYAT) which became dysfunctional on 30th June 2011 during the UPA II regime and never came back to life even after … Continue reading

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