Search Results for: quantum

Security Incident Not amounting to Personal Data Breach-Lupin Incident

Lupin Suffers Information Security Incident-Business Insider The trend of Continuing cyber attacks on pharmaceutical companies, before the advent of the PDPA (Personal Data Protection Act of India) when companies are expected to have better security oversight seems to continue with … Continue reading

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China Cyber War Risk is now manifesting

On September 23, 2014, had written Quote China has always been an unreliable nation and cannot be trusted for business relations. China is the leader in Cyber Warfare and using their technologies for our bullet trains and smart cities … Continue reading

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“Zoom Bashing” is irrational and uninformed

In the aftermath of the Chinese aggression, there is a small section of people in India who are trying to show their patriotism by trying to opposing the use of “Zoom” as the video conferencing application.  As a person who … Continue reading

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The Airbus data breach-Don’t allow hackers to benefit Regulatory Authorities

The essence of corruption is that it takes root  in the principle that “One who financially benefits from an act turns soft on the legitimacy of such an act”. It is therefore understandable that one financially benefits by a crime, … Continue reading

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10000 years = 200 seconds in Sycamore Processor

Google has claimed a breakthrough in Quantum Computing and has stated that they have successfully tested a 54-Qubit processor named Sycamore that has processed the number of computations that takes the fastest known classical computer about 10000 years to process … Continue reading

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Reversible Life Cycle hypothesis of the Theory of Data

This is in continuation of our discussion on the Theory of Data to explain “What Data is” for different communities like the technologists, lawyers and business manager. In this direction we have stated that there are three hypotheses that we … Continue reading

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