Search Results for: deceased

Data as a class of property

On different occasions we have discussed the implication of “Data” as a property class. The early discussions on “Data” as a property in legal circles was around the property of “Domain Name”. It was one of the first “Pure Virtual … Continue reading

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CEAC starts “Will Repository service” for Digital Assets

In continuation of the concerns that has expressed regarding the need to recognize and document the transfer of digital assets of deceased data principals, Cyber Evidence Archival Center (CEAC) which is a division of Ujvala Consultants Private Limited has … Continue reading

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Loss of Mr Neeraj Arora…

It was a shocking news to receive today that our friend and a Cyber Law expert Mr Neeraj Arora is no more. It appears that he had recently recovered from Covid but succumbed to cardiac arrest. Mr Neeraj Arora was … Continue reading

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Data Centric Approach of PDPSI

(This is in continuation of our discussions on comparison of theĀ  PDPMS under PDPSI with DPMS of Is17428) PDPSI was the first PDPMS to introduce the concept of “Data Centric Compliance Structure” while most other frameworks focus on the organization. … Continue reading

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Documents Available

Cyber Law Compliance Center Promoted by Contact: Naavi’s Cyber Law Compliance Center in its pursuitĀ  to promote Cyber Law aware and compliant society in India provides certain policy documents as model for adoption by intending individuals or organizations. … Continue reading

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Regulation of Non Personal Data.. Recommendations of the Kris Gopalakrishna Committee-1

The Kris Gopalakrishna Committee (KGC) has released its report on “Data Governance” which is available for public comments till August 13. The report is a rich collection of thoughts that need some churning before recommendations can be formulated. There are … Continue reading

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