Search Results for: bug bounty

Dear Start ups, Please take care of security… to avoid premature death.

An interesting narration from a security professional published in (Read the Article here), highlights how Indian Start ups are neglecting information security and opening themselves to the “Data Breach” and “Cyber Law Non Compliance Risk”. The article indicates that … Continue reading

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There is no Vacuum in Data Protection law in India… Section 43A of ITA 2000 now comes to the fore

With the withdrawal of the PDPB 2019, some parts of the industry feel relieved, some are feeling Déjà vu. Some feel that the dreaded law will never come back. It is no doubt a disappointment and loss of momentum for those … Continue reading

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DPCSI-ITA 2000 the extended framework for compliance of ITA 2008

Naavi and Ujvala Consultants Pvt Ltd have been using the framework titled IISF-309 (Indian Information Security Framework 309) as the framework for conducting ITA 2008 compliance audit. This framework recognized the following risk domains Under this framework, Data Privacy Risk … Continue reading

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