Search Results for: bitcoin,Bitcoin,bit coin

Aadhaar Adds another security layer to frustrate “Benami” s.

It appears that UIDAI is in race with the Supreme Court to ensure that the Court does not take any decision to question the use of Aadhaar as it is presently planned. Aadhar has evoked a mixed response from the … Continue reading

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New Year Resolutions

As the new year 2018 dawns on us and we complete the sending of greetings to all our friends, it is time to start thinking how this year will be different from our previous years and how we make it … Continue reading

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Black Money gets a Boost from SEBI. Mr Thaygi should be removed as SEBI Chairman

  In a surprising but disgusting news report, Mr Ajay Thyagi, the Chairman of SEBI has come up with a public statement that is intended or likely to move the price of Bitcoin in the Exchanges. Contrary to the popular … Continue reading

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Limited Liability on Electronic Banking Frauds also extends to Cooperative Banks

On July 6, 2017, RBI released the “Customer Protection-Limiting Liability of Customers in Unauthorized Electronic Banking Transactions”. The circular indicated that a customer is entitled to “Zero Liability” in case of loss arising out of frauds in E banking in … Continue reading

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Infosys Finacle.. set to radicalize Indian Financial System.. has Finacle Trade Connect been approved by RBI or IDRBT?

The fact that Technologists have scant regard for law is well known. The developments in the Bitcoin scenario is an indication. Despite Bitcoin is the established “Currency for the Criminals” and “Black Money Hoarding Tool”, technologists say “So What?… I … Continue reading

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What CVC can do to ensure Integrity Pledge is taken by all Government Officials.

I recently got an invitation to the  “Pledge Portal” of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)  to take an integrity pledge on the following lines. Since there was nothing in the pledge which I did not believe in and has been … Continue reading

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