Search Results for: bitcoin

What CVC can do to ensure Integrity Pledge is taken by all Government Officials.

I recently got an invitation to the  “Pledge Portal” of the Central Vigilance Commission (CVC)  to take an integrity pledge on the following lines. Since there was nothing in the pledge which I did not believe in and has been … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Demonetize Crypto Currencies on November 8, 2017… Arun Jaitely Ji….

I welcome the move of the Government to celebrate November 8, 2017 as “Anti Black Money Day”. While politically, this is a reply to the opposition who wants to oppose the demonetization, I want Modi Government and Mr Arun Jaitely … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

The PPI Ecosystem and the Power of the industry to lobby

The Prepaid Instrument Eco System in India under the Payment and Settlements Act 2007 has licensed several “Payment System Operators” under the Act. The list of such operators is available here. The list consists of Two Financial Market Infrastructure operators … Continue reading

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I was on 16 and Going on 17….I need everyone….to know me and comply…says ITA 2000/8

Wishing All a Happy Digital Society Day of IndiaWe need not reiterate here that we try to celebrate October 17 every year as the “Digital Society Day of India” because the judicially acceptable “Digital Society” was born in India on … Continue reading

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There is no miracle cure for Blue Whale Challenge… Every one including Privacy Activists need to contribute…

As we wake up today to the news that two boys in Bangalore were detected to have been playing Blue whale challenge “game”, the threat seems to be spreading fast. Bangalore is reported to be the sixth city in the … Continue reading

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Google is the best teacher in the Digital World. But is it forgetting its basic reason for existence?

On the occasion of the “Teacher’s Day” today, it is appropriate to spare a few thoughts on the role of “Teaching” in the Digital Era. “Teaching” essentially involves “Knowledge Transfer” and it may happen either within the four walls of … Continue reading

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