Search Results for: e banking

Bank Muscat suffers $39 M loss

Hacking of a Credit Card payment processing service provider in Bangalore has reportedly caused compromise of sensitive customer data for a Muscat Bank resulting in a loss of US$39 million. The Bank has claimed that no customer has suffered a … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, ITA 2008 | 2 Comments

Competitive Compliance is the need of the hour.. Naavi

Speaking at the workshop on Safe E Banking, Naavi highlighted the regulatory aspects of Information Security in E Banking and the need for compliance. Speaking on the Risk mitigation guidelines released by RBI on February 28, 2013 and the fast … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Information Assurance, RBI | Leave a comment

Security Protocol for Bankers

E Mudhra consumer Services, a company associated with the certifying authority, E Mudhra, has announced launch of what it calls as an online banking security protocol. The product named “TRUSTFACTOR” is a combination of an authentication server solution, digital signature certificates, … Continue reading

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Migrating to Adaptive Authentication

Banks in India have been traditionally using the “Legally Non Compliant”, “Password based Authentication” for their E Banking requirements. As a result there are frequent customer-Bank conflicts where the customer demands that Bank should undertake the liability on account of … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008, RBI, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Banks can be fined upto Rs 1 crore for violating RBI regulation

The Banking Regulation Act amendment Act 2012 which was recently passed by the Parliament has now become effective.(See PIB Press Release).  It amends several provisions of the Banking Regulation Act 1949. Some of the amendments are directed towards new Branch … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

Charter of Demand on behalf of Netizens of Bangalore

Naavi has developed a charter of demand on behalf of the Netizens of Bangalore in the context of the forthcoming polls. Details are available at The essential part of the demand are: 1. Recognize the existence of Netizens as part … Continue reading

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