Search Results for: bitcoin

Drawing Borders for the Borderless Cyber Space

“Internet was born free but is found everywhere in Chains” was a statement made by Naavi in 2002. Several articles   were showcased discussing the developments at that time which may make interesting reading even today. I hope for students of the … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

EY flags Crypto Currency as a threat. Will Supreme Court take note? or Ignore?

Ernst and Young recently published a survey on “Responding to Cyber Crime Incidents in India”. Some interesting insights are reported in the survey. One of the insights which is important from the point of view of the Supreme Court hearing … Continue reading

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RBI needs to Fight with Mazar Virus rather than fighting with the Government

The Reserve Bank of India is in the news for picking up a fight with the Central Government on the right to use its reserves in a manner it deems fit. The fight whether RBI is over capitalized with the … Continue reading

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“Innovation Behind Bars” … Who is Nakoshi Sakamoto? Time to cancel the Bail for Unocoin has carried an article titled “ Innovation Behind Bars: the arrest of India’s first Bitcoin ‘ATM’ Operators”. It has made several comments on the arrest of the founders of who owned the ATM which was installed in a mall … Continue reading

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Who is lying? Unocoin Advocates ? or the Press?

Over the last few days the arrest of the executives of Unocoin the Bitcoin trading company for installing a “Bitcoin ATM” in Bangalore is making news. There are views and counter views on whether it was fair to arrest the … Continue reading

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A Virtual Havala Center opens up in Bangalore. Are the Police …. RBI and Arun Jaitely aware?

Last week, there was a news report  that a Bitcoin ATM has become operational in Bangalore. It was hailed as “first of its kind” in the country and will have both a “Trading” and “Exchange” platform. The purpose of the ATM … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 6 Comments