Search Results for: insurance

Why We cannot spare 20 minutes for a cause?

P.S: This is a reproduction of what I posted today at Linkedin. Cyber Crimes is accepted as a big concern for all of us. When there is a phishing attack that wipes out the bank account of a victim or … Continue reading

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The Zero-Day Market.. Some insights

Zero-Day vulnerabilities are a category of software flaws that are exploited by cyber criminals before the software developer comes to know of it and fixes it through a bug fixing patch or upgradation. Since such vulnerabilities are not known to … Continue reading

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Save Digital India From Cyber Frauds

We are all Netizens who depend on Internet for our day to day communications as well as transactions. It has been several days since we have visited Banks physically and are happy to transact through Internet and Mobiles. Come to … Continue reading

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Dendroid malware writer arrested

In yet another instance of a “Deviant mind” inside an otherwise brilliant security professional, a 20 year old security researcher who has worked as an intern in a security company doing research on mobile malware has been arrested for creating … Continue reading

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Reputation damage through Social Media..New Zealand passes new law

“Reputation Damage” is a concern of both Individuals or a Companies. The risk of “Reputation Damage” has increased with the growing influence of Internet and more particularly the social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  While the core objective of Twitter and … Continue reading

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Farmer’s Suicides.. lessons for Digital India Managers

The vagaries of weather are a risk that Indian farmers need to manage as part of their life. Those who cannot face problems in the form of inability to repay farm loans taken from the loan sharks in the village. … Continue reading

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