Search Results for: bank fraud

Data Loot in India proliferates because of procrastination by the Government has been highlighting that pending the passage of PDPB 2019 for whatever reason is a reason for the ongoing data loot that is happening in the country. The MobiKwik incident where 10 crore customer’s data has been stolen and … Continue reading

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RSA.COM remains silent

In continuation of the report of the incident of illegal blocking of on 17th January 2021, I would like to inform the readers of that Union Bank of India has expressed regrets for the incident. A senior executive … Continue reading

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Journalist Nidhi Razdan duped

In a classic web based fraud, NDTV journalist Ms Nidhi Razdan appears to have fallen prey to an Internet scam according to which she was offered a position of “Associate Professor of Journalism” which prompted her to resign her job … Continue reading

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NCLT has been Irresponsible in the case of Net4India

Judiciary and Quasi Judiciary authorities in the country have been accorded a special place in the structure of our democratic society. We respect them and fear them. With the increasing burden on the regular judicial institutions such as Courts, quasi … Continue reading

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WhatsApp Pay : A Master Circular required from RBI

WhatsApp has been in news as a messaging Company providing End to end encrypted messaging services in the past, introducing vanishing messages etc. As a messaging company it had its share of controversies involving spread of fake messages and mobilization … Continue reading

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Pharma data breaches should stop once data protection law comes into force

[Reproduced from India] Three major cyber attacks in the Indian pharma industry in the last few months have left people wondering whether there is a pattern indicating the reason for this spurt. First was the Breach Candy Hospital one … Continue reading

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