Search Results for: bank

Transactional Analysis applied to Artificial Intelligence behaviour.

Open for debate… Naavi Also Refer: “In quest of developing “I’m OK-You’re OK AI algorithm” Case tracker

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How Does DPDPA Consent rule apply to CIBIL?


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PayTM : The Brand sharing risk

PayTM is a well known brand when it comes to online payments. If India is proud to say that even vegetable vendors are using UPI, a large part of the credit should go to PayTM. It is sad to note … Continue reading

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The “Data Privacy-Risk” in Account Aggregators

(Continued from previous article) One of the major issues of AAs (Account Aggregators) is the need to ensure the strict following of the “Fit and Proper” criteria to ensure that the valuable personal data that may come into the hands … Continue reading

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There is no need to restrict the role of “Consent Manager” to the pre-DPDPA vision.

In many of my recent discussions with experts on the role of “Consent manager” under DPDPA 2023, I have encountered a view that the role of a consent manager under DPDPA is similar to what is envisaged under the Data … Continue reading

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Data Driven Public Private partnerships

Whenever we think of Public Private Partnership (PPP) projects, the immediate recall are the infrastructure projects like the Roads where there is a large investment requirements for public benefit, but the skills and resources are to be contributed by the … Continue reading

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