Search Results for: insurance

Supreme Court admits Section 66A is necessary. view vindicated

We refer to the various articles published in this forum (Refer here) on the judgement in the Shreya Singhal Case in which the honourable Supreme Court bench of Justices, F.Nariman and J. Chelmeshwar on 24th March 2015 held that Section … Continue reading

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Appoint a CISO and save Rs 67 Lakhs !

Key Findings of the Ponemon-2015 Data Breach Study…2 (In continuation of the earlier article..) The IBM sponsored Ponemon Institute’s study of Data Breach Cost across 11 countries, released recently has brought out several interesting aspects that are relevant to Information … Continue reading

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Indian Companies exposed to data breach loss of Rs 9.49 crores on an average..

Key Findings of the Ponemon-2015 Data Breach Study-1 The 2015 IBM sponsored Benchmark study by Ponemon Institute LLC on the cost of Data Breach has now been published and makes some interesting observations which we summarise below. This findings of … Continue reading

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War on Pornography Revived?

On January 5 2002, the undersigned wrote on this blog “Declare a War on Pornography”. This was written in the aftermath of the arrest of Dr L.Prakash, a well known Orthopedist and an innovative industrialist who drifted into the world … Continue reading

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Cyber Cafe Owner punished under Section 67C.. Now CISOs/CEOs beware!

In a first of the kind verdict in JMFC Court, in District Pune, Khed, a Cyber Cafe owner was punished for not keeping the visiting register with an imprisonment of 15 days and a fine of Rs 10000/- The conviction … Continue reading

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95% of mobile users are under threat of Stagefright

In a grim reminder of mobile technology risks when more and more e-banking and e-commerce activities are moving onto the app platform, the “Stagefright” vulnerability is expected to expose all Android users including Lollipop 5.1.1 to risk of being hacked. … Continue reading

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