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Amazon Skips JPC… There is no need for summons

The Joint Parliamentary Committee (JPC) on Personal Data Protection Bill 2019 appears to have feltĀ  insulted by the refusal of Amazon to attend the JPC and there are suggestions in the media that the JPC should issue a privilege notice … Continue reading

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Twitter Hack highlights the need for Indian PDPA Provision on Social Media Intermediary

The great Twitter hack is a serious development in the Cyber Security scenario that has many implications. It has highlighted that the security of Twitter is not good enough for the level of its operations and the sensitivity of its … Continue reading

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China Cyber War Risk is now manifesting

On September 23, 2014, had written Quote China has always been an unreliable nation and cannot be trusted for business relations. China is the leader in Cyber Warfare and using their technologies for our bullet trains and smart cities … Continue reading

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To Whomsoever It May concern…. One Question to Mr Modi on one year of completion

To Whomsoever It May concern Right now, I am asking one question to Mr Modi on why he is ignoring the need to remove the Digital Black Money which is taking roots in India. I hope I will receive the … Continue reading

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Terror financing, Money Laundering, Cyber Crimes and Black Money are all welcome in India…

The Bitcoin community in India is gloating over the predicament of RBI which had to confirm in an RTI reply that “as on date, no prohibition exists on any Banks providing the Bank accounts for Crypto Exchange companies or Crypto … Continue reading

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Zoom Rivals admit their concerns

In a clear admission of their concern of losing a business opportunity, rivals of Zoom like FaceBook, Google and CISCO have made statements about their latest attempts to improve their products and make it more user friendly. See article here … Continue reading

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