Search Results for: bitcoin

India is a haven for black money

Despite the efforts of our honourable Prime Minister to eliminate Black Money in India there is a formidable opposition which is fighting to defeat his efforts. I draw the attention of the readers to a video containing the views of … Continue reading

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Cryptocurrency in India is emerging like the TikTok  said Nischal Shetty, CEO of WazirX.. Thanks to this judgement..

The Bitcoin industry is gloating with the cryptocurrency platforms seeing nearly three times new users in the last two weeks.  (Refer this article in ET). The industry should thank the judgement of the following three Gentlemen Judges, the honourable V. … Continue reading

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Technology Intoxication is like Wheeling on the City roads.. You may crash or be jailed

Naavi has been warning the immature technology experts that there is a tendency with some to get intoxicated with the technology power they appear to have. Some of them use their knowledge and skill to be security specialists and ensure … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

When Zoom Got Bombed

(P.S. This article was first published in India Legal Magazine) One business that has thrived during the lockdown in various parts of the world is video-conferencing, virtual meetings and virtual collaboration solutions. Many large corporations have already installed virtual meeting … Continue reading

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Changing Face of Cyber Threats to corporate entities

As the country has moved into the digital way of doing Business, Governance and conducting personal life, the threats of various kinds arising from the use of computers, mobiles and other devices that work on “Data” have only increased. Technology … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 2 Comments

Let the Supreme Court be aware that it’s decision is promoting Black Money in India

Around 2014, before Mr Narendra Modi took over as the PM of India, it was the Supreme Court which was trying to push the Government to take action to curb black money in India. Since then the Modi Government has … Continue reading

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