Search Results for: intermediary

Facebook data breach, punctures the argument against Data Localization

Leading upto to the discussion on PDPA 2018 in the Parliament, there is an orchestrated opposition to the Data localisation aspect recommended in the PDPA 2018. However, the Face Book data breach which has reportedly compromised over 50 million accounts … Continue reading

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Personal Data Protection Act 2018…1….Section 43A goes

The much awaited Data Protection Act of India has finally come to the open with a copy of the draft now being available. This appears as a text of the Bill and needs to be passed by the Parliament, approved … Continue reading

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Cyber Security is my Fundamental Right

After the Supreme Court ruling in the Puttaswamy case, it is clear that the intentions of the Court is that Privacy is a Fundamental Right protected under the Indian Constitution. The Aadhaar judgement is still not announced and we are … Continue reading

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Are Privacy Laws Getting bigger than Cyber Crime Laws?.. Is Profiteering replacing deterrence principle in law making?

GDPR has changed the landscape of Cyber Laws by redefining the priorities of Cyber Laws. So far the concern of the society was mostly on “Preventing Damage to a Citizen” through Cyber Crime laws. This was achieved by defining certain actions … Continue reading

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Data Processor’s Association of India needed for Compliance without Destruction

The earlier article on GDPR entry into India being like a Vasco Da Gama discovery of India, has attracted some interesting reactions from some industry professionals. While we may accept that the intention of GDPR is to protect the Privacy … Continue reading

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The GDPR dilemma… Am I a Data Controller? or a Data Processor?

The European Union data protection regulation namely the EU GDPR  which has attracted global attention due to the twin provisions of “Applicable to a controller or processor not established in the union” (ed: in some circumstances) and the obnoxiously huge administrative … Continue reading

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