Search Results for: insurance

Adobe accounts for 65% of Zero Day Vulnerabilities

The Symantec Internet Threat Study indicates that in 2014, there were 24 Zero day vulnerabilities as compared to 23 in 2013. Zero-day vulnerabilities are vulnerabilities against which the vendor has not released a patch. The absence of a patch  presents a … Continue reading

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1 million new threats a what Internet users face..says Symantec Study

The recently released Cyber Crime study released by Symantec captures the status of the Internet risks in 2014. Titled Internet Security Report (ISTR 20), the report with its annexures provides an indepth insight into the threats and vulnerabilities that most of us … Continue reading

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Bug Bounty Program from Government is required

It was heartening to note that during the recent Cyber Security Summit in Delhi (Ground Zero), Mr Rajnath Singh, the Home Minister, stressed the need for “Cyber Security” for the success of the other Government initiatives such as the Digital … Continue reading

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Model Data Breach Notification Policy from CLCC

Naavi’s Cyber Law Compliance Center (CLCC) has so far announced a program to build a Society of Cyber Law Compliant  Netizens/Organizations in India which requires a code of conduct to be developed. We intend suggesting the code of conduct through a … Continue reading

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“Society of Cyber Law Compliant Netizens” from Cyber Law Compliance Center

Cyber Law Compliance Center started by is a pilot project in pursuance of the fundamental objective of viz “Towards Building a Responsible Cyber Society”, in the immediate context of building a “Secure Digital India”. “Securing” the digital space is … Continue reading

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Activities under CLCC

CLCC proposes to undertake several activities towards increase of the Cyber Law Compliance in the industry. This requires a) Conducting Cyber Law Awareness Programs in the Companies on invitation b) Conducting ITA 2008 gap analysis and  Providing Consultancy towards ITA 2008 … Continue reading

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