Search Results for: Theory of data

Data Protection Hexagon.. An Approach to being compliant

To Be compliant with Data protection or Privacy Protection through Personal Data Protection, an organization needs to implement a systematic approach like a project implementation.  The “Privacy By Design” is a term used in the industry to indicate the approach. … Continue reading

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Theory of Privacy

While we carry on a discussion on the “Right to Privacy” as a fundamental right and what should be the provisions of regulation such as Digital Data Protection Act or GDPR etc., there is a need to also have a … Continue reading

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The Shape of Things to Come..The New Data Protection Act of India-6 (Clarifications-binary)

(Continued from the previous article) P.S: This series of articles is an attempt to place some issues before the Government of India which promises to bring a new Data Protection Law that is futuristic, comprehensive and Perfect. In our previous … Continue reading

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“Human Firewall” …Data Protection Journal of India -July issue explores the concept

Foundation of Data Protection Professionals in India, which is the premier organisation in India dedicated to Privacy and Data Protection has come out with its latest issue of Data Protection Journal of India ( DPJI is presently a journal published … Continue reading

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DPCSI and the Intelligence theory

Today, I received a WhatsApp regarding four types of intelligence, namely, 1) Intelligence Quotient (IQ) 2) Emotional Quotient (EQ) 3) Social Quotient (SQ) 4) Adversity Quotient (AQ) The forward defined the different types of intelligence as follows: 1. Intelligence Quotient … Continue reading

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Defining a Data Asset.. A Debate

[Discussions here are part of the Naavi’s Theory of Data] Data Governance in an organization requires identification of what is data, how data can be created or collected,  what is its value, who is the custodian, who is the owner, … Continue reading

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