Search Results for: twitter

Section 66A coming for review at Supreme Court..the issues

Supreme Court has set December 2nd as the final  date of hearing  when it will hear all cases related to Section 66A. Report in Hindu According to the news report, a Bench of Justices J.Chelameswar and S.A.Bobde will hear the … Continue reading

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A Test for the Modi Government

Followers of this site are aware of the mission like pursuance of the undersigned regarding the activation of Cyber Judiciary system in the country which was paralyzed during the previous regime of Mr Kapil Sibal. During the last three years … Continue reading

Posted in ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

Mumbai High Court on Section 66A

The Mumbai High Court has in a judgement opined that Section 66A can be applied even in the case of Websites. According to this report in TOI, the High Court held “Creating a website that may contain false or offensive … Continue reading

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Shobha De and Telengana

The tweet of Shobha De on Telengana has created a huge backlash in the form of protests from Shivsena. This has given raise to yet another debate on the influence of Cyber Space on physical society. The protests give a … Continue reading

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Internet Censorship drives business out of India

The Twitter Transparency Report is reported to have indicated that during the last 6 months of 2012, Twitter received two requests covering 16 accounts demanding for removal of content. One of the requests was from a Court and the other from … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law, Netizen's Forum | Leave a comment

Mis-perceptions about Section 66A

Section 66A of ITA 2008 has been one of the most abused sections of the Act in recent days. There is also a discussion about the constitutional validity of this section on  whether this section infringes on the constitutional “Right … Continue reading

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