Search Results for: insurance

The Unification of Fraud possibilities through UPI

The Unified Payment System launched by RBI on 12th April 2016 on a platform managed by National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) poses a huge challenge to the security of public money held in Banks. As we go forward, the … Continue reading

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Bug Bounty Policy as part of Corporate Governance Responsibilities

Software is a unique industry where from Operating Systems to applications, programs are released for public use, without any real commitment from the software developers as to whether the program is free from vulnerabilities. In fact, vulnerabilities give raise to … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments

Dispute Risk Management… Being Prepared for the unexpected

Every entrepreneur or businessman starts with an optimistic outlook that everything will be going as per plan. He enters into number of contracts thinking that the other party will always do what he has agreed to do. He will presume … Continue reading

Posted in arbitration, Cyber Law | Leave a comment

Cyber Robbers back with Carabanak attack

Carbanak is one of the dreaded attacks which is reported to have been used to steal over $1 billion from the Banking systems since 2013. After a brief absence, security specialists now report that the attack is active once again. … Continue reading

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Cyber Insurability Index

We have been discussing the concept of “ITA 2008 Compliance” in these columns. Naavi has suggested some directions for measuring the level of compliance in the form of maturity model. (Refer this article). In the recent times, we have also … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

90% growth in Credit Card Frauds … Dear Police, How Many Banks have you Charged?

It is unfortunate that some of the unpleasant prophesies of on increasing Card related frauds are becoming a reality. It is reported that Mumbai Police statistics show that in the first 9 months of 2015, Credit card frauds rose … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 3 Comments