Search Results for: bank fraud

Concurrent Civil and Criminal Cases

Recently, I came across an article on the web discussing how a criminal conviction or trial proceedings can produce evidence for a civil compensation. (Related Article). This was regarding a proceeding in Canada. The points raised here appeared to be … Continue reading

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List of Adjudicators in India

As per the Information Technology Act 2000 and the notification there under of 25th March 2003, IT Secretaries of every State and Union Territory in India act as “Adjudicator” of their respective State or Union Territory. Such Adjudicator has sole … Continue reading

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Karnataka High Court needs to take note

Karnataka High Court has recently stopped the Karnataka Adjudicator from discharging his duty as an Adjudicator of Karnataka by granting a stay of proceedings on a petition of Axis Bank  Vs Gujarat PtroSynthese Ltd complaint. This decision has been given … Continue reading

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TN Police throw up their hands in Phishing Case

Tamil Nadu police had the distinction of achieving the first ever conviction under ITA 2000 way back in 2004. It has also had the distinction of solving several Credit card frauds some of whom had international footprint. However these appear … Continue reading

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CNN IBN highlights Problem on CAT

CNN IBN carried a program on 6th April 2013 on Cyber Crimes and issues on National Security etc in a half hour program based on interviews across different parts of the country. In particular it highlighted the issue of Bank … Continue reading

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GOI to file Reply on CAT Chairperson appointment in Karnataka High Court

Dec 3: The PIL regarding the non appointment of the Chair person for Cyber Appellate Tribunal (CAT), in New Delhi was heard in Karnataka High Court today. The PIL filed by an advocate Sri Chaitanya has alleged that the non appointment … Continue reading

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