Search Results for: e banking

SBI introduces a long awaited security measure to control Card frauds

State Bank of India has been one of the Banks specially targetted by Card fraudsters for cloning and fraudulent withdrawal. A few years ago, Damodaran Committee of RBI recommended the most sensible control where by the customer should be given … Continue reading

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Unified Payment Interface makes Mobile a better tool for financial frauds

Last week, Reserve Bank of India proudly announced the launch of a “Unified Payment Interface” (UPI) hailed as the next giant leap in “Digital Payment System Innovation”. UPI is expected to make our mobiles a universal instrument for all forms … Continue reading

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Mobile Apps of Banks ..Not audited by RBI?

Today, I received an interesting question posed to me through the Cyber Law Guru mobile APP. The question was posed by one by name “Sisirk” and stated as follows: Question: As per their RTI reply, RBI hasn’t really given permission … Continue reading

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The Unification of Fraud possibilities through UPI

The Unified Payment System launched by RBI on 12th April 2016 on a platform managed by National Payment Corporation of India (NPCI) poses a huge challenge to the security of public money held in Banks. As we go forward, the … Continue reading

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Unified Payment Interface introduced… New Threats unleashed…

The RBI has introduced the Unified Payment Interface that is expected to change the way the current payment systems especially over mobile wallets change…hopefully for the better. NPCI (National Payment Corporation of India) has released the details of the architecture … Continue reading

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Cyber Robbers back with Carabanak attack

Carbanak is one of the dreaded attacks which is reported to have been used to steal over $1 billion from the Banking systems since 2013. After a brief absence, security specialists now report that the attack is active once again. … Continue reading

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