Search Results for: bank

Workshop on Safe E Banking

A day long workshop on Safe E Banking is underway at Reserve Bank of India, Bangalore. Mr G.Gopalakrishna, The Regional Director of RBI, Mrs Uma Shankar, Regional Director of RBI at Bangalore has inaugurated the workshop. ED is delivering the … Continue reading

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Banking Ombudsman Scheme under Review

As one of the follow up measures of Damodaran Committee report on Customer Service, RBI has set up a committee to review the Banking Ombudsman scheme. (Refer details here). Members of the public who have their views on the functioning … Continue reading

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Banks can be fined upto Rs 1 crore for violating RBI regulation

The Banking Regulation Act amendment Act 2012 which was recently passed by the Parliament has now become effective.(See PIB Press Release).  It amends several provisions of the Banking Regulation Act 1949. Some of the amendments are directed towards new Branch … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, ITA 2008 | Leave a comment

46% of Bank Customers donot trust Internet Banking System! (?)

An interesting survey conducted in three countries namely US,UK and Germany have indicated that 46% of the consumers donot trust websites which rely only on “Passwords” for authentication. (Refer findings here) If the findings of this survey is extended to … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Law, RBI | Leave a comment

ICICI Bank, AXIS Bank and HDFC Bank involved in money laundering

A sting operation by  an organization called Cobrapost has revealed that three Banks namely ICICI Bank, Axis Bank and HDFC Bank are involved in systematic money laundering operations. What is important now is not to just close this incident as … Continue reading

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New RBI guidelines on E Banking security..contd

This is in continuation of the previous article on the new guidelines of RBI on E Banking security issued on February 28, 2013. Apart from the card related security measures covered in the previous article, the RBI circular also touches … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, RBI | 1 Comment