Search Results for: twitter

Reputation damage through Social Media..New Zealand passes new law

“Reputation Damage” is a concern of both Individuals or a Companies. The risk of “Reputation Damage” has increased with the growing influence of Internet and more particularly the social media such as Twitter and Facebook.  While the core objective of Twitter and … Continue reading

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Is Domain Name an Insurable Asset?

Ever since Internet became a key channel of contact with prospective customers for a business entity, domain Names have become an important identifier that enables this customer connect.  Today, a domain name is the most important element of “Brand building”. … Continue reading

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If NaMo is the CEO of Digital India.. who will be the CISO of Digital India?

The event on 1st July, 2015, in which our Prime Minister Modi launched the Digital India project along with the battery of industrialists was very very impressive. I suppose Mr Arnab Goswami and the Congress must be squirming within themselves … Continue reading

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Court Asks Facebook to reveal identity of a user

A Dutch Court has ordered Facebook to reveal the identity of a person who made a posting of an obscene video. According to Facebook, the posting was done from a fake account and was purged. The Court has however said … Continue reading

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Cyber Law Vision 2018 for Digital India

Following is an article written prior to the Supreme Court judgement on Section 66A and the Net neutrality controversy. for one of the print magazines of a law College.  I welcome comments. Naavi   Cyber Law Vision-2018 By Naavi It … Continue reading

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The Chilling Effect that the Supreme Court has left: Section 66A impact

In its judgement on Shreya Singhal Vs the Union of India, the two member bench of the Supreme Court has accused that the Section 66A of ITA 2008 has a chilling effect on the freedom of expression in the country. It … Continue reading

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