Search Results for: adjudicator

Axis Bank will now has to eat its own words..

In the Adjudicator’s forum in Bangalore, Axis Bank has advanced a mischievous argument that Section 43 of ITA 2008 cannot be invoked by a Company. If this argument is given credence, no company can invoke any offences under Section 66 … Continue reading

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Karnataka High Court delivers a favourable verdict for Axis Bank

P.S: Karnataka High Court has given a decision on 27th May 2013 in a writ petition filed by Axis Bank which has a huge implication on Cyber Crime victims in Karnataka and elsewhere in India. Hence in the general public … Continue reading

Posted in Bank, Cyber Crime, Cyber Law, ITA 2008, Uncategorized | Leave a comment

Cyber Criminals Rejoice in Karnataka

It is a black day in the State of Karnataka. For some time now, Cyber Criminals in Karnataka can rejoice that no case can be booked against them under ITA 2008 for hacking of a Bank or any Company systems. … Continue reading

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Drawing Attention of Media on this Karnataka High Court hearing

On 27th May 2013, an interesting writ petition is coming up before the Karnataka High Court (WP 21049/2013 at Court Hall No 9, #54). This petition has been filed by Axis Bank Ltd against the Adjudicator of Karnataka as the first respondent and Gujarat Petrosynthese Ltd as … Continue reading

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Punjab National Bank Customers at Special Risk

A client of Punjab National Bank in Chennai has reported that the Bank has suspended sending of SMS alerts for Internet Banking transactions as is required under RBI guidelines. The reason is reported to be some malfunctioning of some software. … Continue reading

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Bank alone should be liable on RTGS and Phishing Frauds

I refer to an article in Business Standard today titled “Cyber frauds: Experts blame banks; banks find faults with clients”. One of the views expressed by a Banker is quoted as follows: “Earlier when internet banking was started, we thought … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Crime, ITA 2008, RBI | Leave a comment