Life-Time Achievement award for Privacy Received

In a glittering function at T-Hub, Knowledge City, Hyderabad, EndNow Foundation of Hyderabad presented a “Life-Time Achievement Award for Contribution to Privacy” to Naavi.

Mr Suman Talwar the well known Cine Artist gave away the award.

Mr Anil Rachamalla, the founder of End Now Foundation was present during the occasion along with several other dignitaries.

The Occasion was celebrated as an event of the “Sociawood” as an industry of Social Media contributors, a term similar to Hollywood, Bollywood, Kollywood, Sandalwood, Tollywood etc. Several Social Media Influencers with millions of followers were also honoured on the occasion.

At a time India is discussing the Data Protection Act, the Information Technology Act, Artificial Intelligence, Deep Fake issues, Social Media Influencers need to ensure that they follow ethical and legal principles to ensure that their contributions to the society are beneficial. has been advocating responsible behaviour for bloggers and had even recommended a “Self Regulation for Cyber Law Compliant Bloggers” in the past. A similar movement to develop a “Cyber Law Compliant” Social Media Influencers is required at present.


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Social Media Influencers Summit at Hyderabad

End Now Foundation, Hyderabad is presenting an unique event in Hyderabad on 17th December 2023 bringing together Social Media Influencers in a summit which is first of its kind in India.

The following video may give a glimpse of what is being planned.

The event is expected to be graced by the Tollywood Star Mr Chiranjeevi .

During the event, organizers are intending to recognize some of the Social Media Influencers for their contribution in different areas. wishes all the success for this event.

Naavi would be present during the event.

Naavi entered Internet some time around 1984-85 when Internet was considered an “Information Super Highway”. Internet as an interactive medium was limited to “E-Mails” and Message Boards. As Message Boards developed into Groups, the second dimension of Internet as a “Social Media” gathered momentum. With the advent of FaceBook and Twitter and later the WhatsApp, and YouTube, today’s youngsters are initiated to Digital Society more as participants of the Social Media rather than seekers of information.

At the same time the development of AI has transformed the Social Media from a human led platform to an AI led platform introducing an element of manipulation which is only growing by the day.

In order to retain the benefits of the Social Media as a positive influence on the society, it is necessary for all of us to remember the original motto of namely “Let Us Build a Responsible Cyber Society”. Today it is the responsibility of Social Media influencers to build a Responsible Social Media.

Retaining “Trust” in the media is essential for the relevance of the Social Media in the coming days. This requires that the slow poisoning of the content on the Internet by fake media contributors need to be curbed and called out by the more responsible elements of the Social Media society. As in the physical society, “Bad Influencers” even in small numbers can spoil the reputation of the society even of “Good Influencers” and hence Good Influencers should ensure that fake and bad content is marked and removed to the extent possible. Otherwise the future search engines, Machine Learning models will pick up bad and wrong content and magnify them to an extent that an unreal social community would be developed.

We therefore need to develop a “Trust Seal” for ” Honest Social Media Influencers” so that “Ethical Social Media Influencers” develop as a community within the community where quality of information dissemination and usefulness to the society becomes the criteria for determining success than mere numbers.

We need to therefore develop a criteria for prescribing a self regulation of ethical standards, monitor them by a committee of leaders and develop a demonstrable visual symbol of “Trusted Social Media Influencer”.

Hopefully, this first summit of Social Media Influencers adopt a “Declaration” to create the “Trusted Social Media Influencer Seal” with three essential ingredients, Be truthful, Do Good to society and Prevent harm to the society.

Those who are self regulated and contribute to the good of the society may develop as a new subset of Social Media Influencers who are ethical and may be called the “White Social Media Influencers” who will preserve the respect and usefulness of the social media.

The Government of India has already mandated that Social Media Contributors can insist on their identity being verified and displayed on their content. This seal of Trust will be a higher level of identity to which all Social Media Influencers should aspire for.

Let us discuss this further….


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Guardians of Data and Guardians of Privacy

(This article is written in the light of my participation in a panel discussion titled “Guardians of Data-Navigating the future with India’s Data Privacy Bill” in the upcoming Cloud Security Alliance conference in Bengaluru on December 13, 2023 and the publication of my book Guardians of Privacy- A comprehensive handbook on DPDPA 2023 and DGPSI)

The professional community that guards data includes those who primarily occupy the position of CISOs in organizations. Quality Managers, CTOs do assist the CISOs in discharging their duties as “Guardians of Data”. The goal of a “Guardian of Data” is the preservation of the confidentiality, integrity and availability of data. In pursuance of this objective, the data guardians are required to treat all data equally.

However with the advent of DPDPA 2023, the Guardians of Data need to sharpen their focus to identify what kind of data they are guarding and whether it includes “Personal Data”. If so, the guardians of data have to also consider an additional responsibility to be “Guardians of Privacy” of such data principals whose personal data is being guarded.

The requirements of “Privacy” are dependent on the relevant laws applicable which requires a “Classification of Personal Data” on the basis of the jurisdiction of law to which it is exposed. The security safeguards to be applied to personal data could differ from what is applicable to non-personal data. Since the IS professionals may not have adequate exposure to data protection law and may have a conflict with the protection of “Privacy” of an external person, laws often demand that personal data protection has to be entrusted to a person with a specific designation of DPO and further that a CISO may not hold the joint designation as DPO. This means that “Guardians of Data” and “Guardians of Privacy” need to be different in an organization. The Guardians of data probably hold designations such as DPO or CPO.

Law also specifies that DPO should be probably reporting to the Board while no such legal mandate exists for the operating level of a CISO. As a result the DPO stands a shade ahead of CISO in the Corporate hierarchy and the “Guardians of Data” look at “Guardians of Privacy” as as an aspirational destination.

The segregation of responsibilities between the CISO and DPO start with “Classification” of data, first as personal and non personal. The Non Personal Data needs to be guarded under the CIA principle while the Personal Data has to be guarded under CIA+Privacy principles. The responsibilities of DPO are therefore wider though the stock of data to be managed may be lesser.

One of the tough challenges before the management is to ensure that the CISO and the DPO maintain a harmonious relationship without a turf war between them.

DGPSI (Data Governance and Protection Standard of India) assists this development of harmonious relationship between the CISO and DPO besides taking into consideration of a futuristic conflict that may arise with the Chief Data Officer (CDO) who may have his own claims to decision making related to Data.

The frameworks such as ISO 27001 which guide the Guardians of Data are insufficient for the requirement of the Guardians of Privacy. At present there is only one guideline that can be used by these Guardians of Privacy in India which is DGPSI. Even the ISO 27701 falls short of the requirements of Indian DPOs since their principal target is DPDPA 2023 compliance.

Professionals need to first accept that being in compliance with GDPR is not compliance with DPDPA 2023 and hence a certification for ISO 27701 (2019 or any modified) is not Certification for compliance of DPDP 2023.

On the other hand Compliance Certification under DGPSI can be an assurance for compliance of DPDPA 2023, ITA 2023 and the BIS Draft standard for Data Privacy.


Explore how a Guardian of Data can transform himself as Guardian of Privacy. To add this additional repertoire to your portfolio and enhance career prospects, Guardians of data may read the accompanying book and/or undergo the DGPSI lead auditor course.

For those who are attending the CSA conference, a special discount of 20% would be available. If interested, obtain the discount code by contacting naavi.


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Digital Media .. is no longer the fourth estate

The democratic society has long believed that “Journalism” is a noble profession and “Media” is an important part of the democratic society. As a result “Freedom of Press” was considered an important principle and was equated to “Freedom of Speech” as a fundamental right. Unfortunately, in the recent decades, Media has given up its status as a purveyor of neutral information and become a mouth piece of some ideology. If we recall the earlier Akashavani news of 9.00 pm and compare it with the prime time TV debates of today, the difference is clear.

The earlier radio news and thereafter the DD News was not as dramatic as today’s TV debates but it did give some information on what was happening in India. Even BBC was a highly respected media that gave out news from across the world. During the emergency days, Indian news lost its credibility and forced Indians to start distrusting the Government media . That was the time when we were relying on the BBC more than Indian news. Though Indira Gandhi left the scene, the trust of the Government media did not fully come back.

When the new media with Internet came in, it was a breath of fresh air that brought news directly from the public. Every Internet user became a potential reporter and the message boards became the alternative to PTI news feed. Once the platforms enabling P2P broadcast developed, the era of Citizen journalist was born.

Had this development been used properly, we would have seen a golden era of news directly from the market like the breaking news reporting of the Osama Bin Capture on the Twitter. Unfortunately the greed of people spoiled the market once again and P2P reporting became a ground for commercial broadcasting of views more than news.

While news papers like Times of India became advertorial publications, respected publications like Hindu became ideological publications. Either way they lost credibility. In the meantime Arnab Goswami introduced a new kind of journalism where TV debates became useless pieces of shouting of different spokespersons of political parties. Today all TV debates have spokespersons who donot discuss on issues but only put up one biased view over another.

A time has come where viewers are happy to go back to the uninteresting DD news than view the cacophony on the TV screen. Wisdom indicates that the TV channels will soon realize this and try to find a better presentation.

As a result of these developments, today there is no “Media” as it originally existed. TV Channels are just platforms where different political parties present their views. Even when some neutral experts are present in the debate, they hardly get opportunity to speak and anchors are happy to let political big mouths to shout at each other.

If AI based news aggregators are picking up content from these channels, then their outputs will also be as biased and unreliable as the TV news. The Google results and the ChatGPT outputs will get poisoned over time due to the asymmetric dumping of biased information to the Internet.

I am trying to recall these developments to indicate that “Digital Media” of today does not have the characteristics of the so called “Fourth Estate” and has lost the logic for claiming rights such as “Freedom of Expression” or “Freedom of Speech”.

The activists who are crying that the new Broadcasting Bill proposed would be a recipe for censorship should remember that today’s digital media and OTT platforms donot represent “Media” and hence donot deserve or need protection like the olden day publications including the Old Hindu or Old Indian Express.

Today digital media is always biased either with commercial interests or with ideological issues. We either have advertisement dictated content or Soros dictated content. Hence the regulation of licensing and regulation of content is essential.

The Broadcasting Bill actually tries to provide opportunity for “Self Regulation”, “Transparency through Content Rating Publication” etc. If properly used, genuine publications can regain respect of the community and the status as “Neutral” purveyors of news. If the pseudo news agencies like or etc are worried that the Bill can lead to censorship then they have to blame themselves for the state of affairs.

When the Government proposed fake news control, it was this media which refused to support. Now when deepfake is getting published, it is the same media which is unable to stop the menace. With the critical Indian elections of 2024 around the corner, the need for preventing misuse of digital media is paramount to protect democracy in India.

Hence the Broadcasting Bill has a reason to be there and should be there before the next election. The Government has been complacent and delayed most of the reforms which were due thinking that they have all the time to act and have suddenly found that time is now running out. It would therefore be difficult to get the Broadcasting Bill passed before we get into elections.

Even if the Bill is passed, there is a distinct possibility that Supreme Court will hold it back as it is another institution that has lost its neutrality in the political disputes. India is today ruled by the Supreme Court which defines its own Constitution and interprets the Indian Constitution the way it wants. With a judiciary where Judges appoint Judges and Judges interpret the Basic Structure of Constitution, the “Voice of Citizens” has been rendered impotent in our current Governance system.

While we need a balance between the powers of the Judiciary, Media, Legislature and Executive, currently the Judiciary has a disproportionate power and is unwilling to reform itself but dictates reformation in every other sphere.

Just as major changes in the legislative reforms requires approval of two thirds majority of the joint session of Parliament, the Constitutional interpretations of basic structure should be made possible only with two thirds majority of all the Supreme Court judges and not 3 out of 5 judges in a bench or 7 out of 13 in the bench where 6 judges donot agree with the other 7.

We therefore foresee that the Broadcasting Bill if passed will soon be referred to a constitutional bench of the Supreme Court and will not be operative in the immediate future.

With both the Judiciary and the Media failing in their respective responsibilities to uphold the democratic traditions, the future of democracy in India is firmly in the hands of citizens who can keep themselves free from the corruptive influences of freebies circulated by one section of politicians.

It is time for the public therefore to Awake, Arise and Stop not till the reign of corruption in various forms including corrupt political practices, morally corrupt Judicial system and Financially corrupt Journalism are eliminated.


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Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill 2023-2

(Continued from the previous article)

The provisions of the Broadcasting bill 2023 are reproduced here.

Structure of the Bill

1Short title, Commencement and Applicability
IIRegulation of Broadcasting Services
3Applicability of this Chapter
4Requirements for Broadcasters and Broadcasting Network Operators
5General Obligations of boradcasters and broadcasting Networking operators
6Compulsory transmission of certain channels
7Guidelines for providing Platform Services
8Renewal of Registrations
9Suspension or revocation of registration
Part ABroadcasters and Cable and Satellite Broadcasting networks
11Approval for up linking or downlinking of programmes or channels by broadcaster
12Registration of Cable and Satellite Broadcasting Network Operators
13Obligations of Cable and Satellite broadcasting network operators
14Maintenance of records of subscriber data
Part BRadio Broadcasting Networks
15Grant of permissions to Radio Broadcasting network operators
Part CInternet Broadcasting Networks
16Intimation by Internet Broadcasting network operators
17Exemptions for small OTT broadcasting service operators*
Part DTerrestrial Broadcasting Networks
18Grant of permission to terrestrial broadcasting network operators
IIIContent Standards, Accessibility and access control measures
19Programme code and Advertising Code
20 News and Current Affairs Programmes
21Self Classification by broadcasters
22Access Control measures
23Accessibility guidelines for persons with disabilities
IVRegulatory Structure
24Regulatory Structure
25Self Regulation by broadcasters and broadcasting network operators
26Self regulatory organizations of broadcasters and broadcasting network operators
27Broadcast advisory council
28Functions of the Broadcasting Advisory Council
29Constitution of review panels by Broadcast Advisory Council
VInspections and Penalties
30Power of Inspection
31Power to seize and confiscate equipment
32Giving opportunity to the operator of broadcasting network or broadcasting services of seized equipment
33Punishment for contravention of provisions of this Act
34Penalty for contravention of provisions other than Programme code and Advertising code of this Act
35Penalty and measures for contraventions of Programme code and Advertising Code
36Power to prohibit transmission of programme or operation of broadcaster or broadcasting network
37Sharing of Infrastructure
38Right of way for broadcasting networks
39Provisions in relation to emerging and future broadcasting technologies
40Registration for providing audience measurement services
41Transitional provision
42Application of other laws not barred
43Power to make rules
44Power of the Central Government to issue guidelines
45Delegation of powers by Central Government
46Rules to be lad before Parliament
47Power to remove difficulties
48Savings and repeal
First ScheduleQuantum of penalties for different contraventions and repeated contraventions
1Penalty structure based on category of registered persons or entities
2The quantum of penalty for contravention of provisions other than those related to Progamme code and Advertising Code, under this Act, Rules or Guidelines
3The quantum of penalty with respect to the violation of programme code and Advertising code under the Act, Rules or Guidelines
Second ScheduleBroadcasting Networks and Services
Third scheduleOffences and Punishments
1Fine Structure based on Ctegory of Registered persons or entities
2The quantum of fine and term of imprisonment for offences under this Act, Rules or Guidelines made thereunder

Under the explanatory note in Annexure II, a Chapter wise summary has been provided as follows.

(a) Chapter I- preliminary

This chapter provides a concise overview of the “Broadcasting Services (Regulation) Bill, 2023,” which is proposed to be the official title of the Act. Its primary purpose is to introduce the Act and provide definitions for the different terms employed within its framework. Efforts have been made diligently to ensure that it encompasses all pertinent terms within its scope.

One of the key objectives of the Bill is to address the evolving landscape of the broadcasting industry, particularly in light of the emergence of new technologies.

The Bill is designed to cater to the needs of all service providers in the sector, ranging from traditional or conventional broadcasters to those utilizing the latest technological advancements.

By incorporating provisions that encompass a wide range of service providers, the Act acknowledges the diverse nature of the broadcasting industry and the varying methodologies employed by different service providers. This inclusiveness allows the Act to effectively regulate and govern all types of broadcasters, irrespective of their operational methods or the technologies they employ.

(b) Chapter II- Regulation of Broadcasting Services

Chapter II of the broadcasting services regulation focuses on the regulation of different types of broadcasters and broadcasting networks in India. It is divided into four parts: Part A covers broadcasters and cable and satellite broadcasting networks, Part B deals with radio broadcasting networks, Part C pertains to internet broadcasting networks, and Part D relates to terrestrial broadcasting networks.

It states that no person can provide broadcasting services or operate a broadcasting network without proper registration or intimation. However, certain entities like government departments, political parties, and public authorities are not eligible for registration, except for authorized entities like Prasar Bharti or channels operated by Parliament. Previous entities operating under authorization must transfer their operations to eligible entities in accordancewith the Act. The Central Government may allow registration for social objectives with specific terms and conditions. It also specifies that the Central Government has the authority to regulate services closely connected to broadcasting networks and broadcasting services. These regulations encompass eligibility criteria, terms, conditions, and fees.

Furthermore, there are general obligations for broadcasters and network operators. They are required to transmit programs in compliance with specified terms and conditions, ensuring that their services adhere to the Programme Code and Advertisement Code. The broadcasting services should not interfere with authorized telecommunication systems and must meet specific interference standards. Operators are also expected to comply with government orders and directions, use equipment meeting government standards, and provide information upon request. Different rules can be made for different types of broadcasters and network operators, allowing for tailored regulations based on the nature of their operations.

This chapter also mandates the compulsory transmission of specific channels. Also, guidelines for providing Platform Services may be issued for different types of broadcasting network operators. The provisions for the suspension, cancellation and renewal of registration are provided. Also, there is provision forappeals against the orders passed under this chapter. Applicants have the right to appeal registration-related decisions to the Appellate Authority, ensuring a fair and transparent process. The appeal must typically be made within 30 days, with exceptions considered for valid reasons.

Part A of the broadcasting regulations in India outlines the procedures for broadcasters, cable, and satellite network operators. Broadcasters need approval for transmitting programs, while network operators must register to operate. The broadcasters, cable, and satellite network operators are required to fulfill specified obligations, maintain accurate subscriber data etc. These regulations aim to ensure compliance with standards, fairness, and the smooth functioning of broadcasting services in the country.

Part B applies to radio broadcasting networks. Individuals or organizations intending to operate a radio broadcasting network must apply for a letter of intent. Permission may be granted subject to prescribed clearances and requirements.

Part C focuses on internet broadcasting networks. Unified license holders can provide IPTV services by intimating the Central Government. OTT (Over-the-Top) broadcasting service providers meeting the prescribed threshold must provide an intimation to the Central Government.

Part D applies to terrestrial broadcasting networks. Persons intending to operate a terrestrial broadcasting network must apply for permission. Permission may be granted subject to prescribed terms and conditions and clearances.

(c) Chapter III- Content standards, accessibility and access control measures

This chapter discusses certain rules and guidelines related to broadcasting services in a simplified manner. The important sections of this chapter include:

Section 19 : It states that any program or advertisement broadcasted through television, radio, or other broadcasting services must follow certain codes called the Program Code and the Advertisement Code. These codes may vary depending on the type of broadcasting service.

Section 20 : It explains that individuals or organizations broadcasting news and current affairs content online, such as through websites, social media, or news portals, need to follow the Program Code and advertisement code mentioned in Section 19.

Section 21: The government can provide guidelines to broadcasters to classify their programs into different categories based on factors like content, theme, and target audience. These categories will have relevant ratings and descriptors.

Broadcasters must prominently display the program’s classification at the beginning of the show, allowing viewers to make informed decisions.

Section 22: Broadcasting network operators should implement access control measures for programs that are classified as appropriate for restricted viewing (e.g., adult content). These measures aim to ensure that only the intended audience can access such content.

Section 23 : The Ministry of Information and Broadcasting may issue Accessibility Guidelines to make broadcasting services more accessible to persons with disabilities. These guidelines may include measures such as adding subtitles, audio descriptions for the blind, sign language translations, and using accessible applications. Broadcasters may be required to make a certain percentage of their programs accessible within a specified time frame. If there is a violation of the accessibility guidelines, penalties may be imposed on the broadcaster or broadcasting network operator.

(d) Chapter IV- Regulatory Structure

In this chapter, the regulatory structure for broadcasting content is outlined. The aim is to ensure that broadcasters and broadcasting network operators comply with the rules regarding content and address any complaints or grievances related to content violations that may arise.

According to this chapter, every broadcaster or broadcasting network operator must establish a Content Evaluation Committee (CEC) with members from various social groups, including women, child welfare, scheduled castes, scheduled tribes, minorities, and others as specified. The Government can define the CEC’s size, quorum, and operational details. The broadcaster must inform the government and disclose CEC members’ information on their website.

Broadcasters are only allowed to air programs certified by the CEC, except for specific programs exempted by the government. The CEC’s certificates must include prescribed details and be displayed as specified. These provisions will come into effect 180 days after the Act’s enforcement.

There are three main components of the regulatory structure defined under this chapter:

Self-regulation by broadcasters and broadcasting network operators:

Broadcasters and network operators must appoint a grievance redressal officer to handle complaints about content violations. They are also required to be members of a self-regulatory organization (SRO) established for this purpose.

Additionally, they must set up mechanisms for filing and addressing complaints and make information about these processes easily accessible.

Self-regulatory organizations:

SROs are bodies formed by broadcasters and network operators or their associations. These organizations, once registered with the government, are responsible for addressing grievances related to content violations that haven’t been resolved by the broadcasters or network operators within a specific time frame. They also handle appeals filed by complainants against the decisions made by broadcasters or network operators. SROs provide guidance and advisories to their members to ensure compliance with the broadcasting rules.

Broadcast Advisory Council: The government establishes a Broadcast Advisory Council, consisting of independent experts and government representatives, to oversee the implementation of the regulations. The Council receives complaints related to content violations and reviews them. Based on their examination, they make recommendations to the government. The government then considers these recommendations and issues appropriate orders and directions.

The Council can form review panels, as needed, to assist with its functions. These panels are assigned specific cases or appeals and provide their recommendations, which are considered as recommendations of the Broadcast Advisory Council.

(e) Chapter V: Inspection and Penalties

Chapter V of the Act deals with inspections and penalties for broadcasting networks and services. The Central Government and its authorized officers have the right to inspect these networks and services. Operators must provide necessary equipment for interception or monitoring as directed. Seized equipment can be confiscated unless operators demonstrate compliance.

Companies and their responsible individuals can be held liable for contraventions, unless they prove lack of knowledge or due diligence. Penalties can be advisory, censure, warning, and monetary penalties. Non-compliance with the Program and Advertisement Codes can result in removal of objectionable programs, orders, apologies, off-air periods, or cancellation of registration. The government can also prohibit programs or operations for public interest or national security reasons. There are provisions for imprisonment and/or fines for few serious offences.

The quantum of monetary penalty and Fine are dependent on the financial capacity of the entity or individual. The maximum Penalty/Fine in case of unregistered entities and Major category are 100%. However, the same is restricted to the 50%, 5% and 2% respectively to the Medium, Small and Micro Category.

(f) Chapter VI: Miscellaneous

The various provisions covered under this chapter include:

Sharing of infrastructure:

This section (Section 37) allows multiple broadcasting service providers to voluntarily share infrastructure and equipments. They need to apply to the Central Government with details of the infrastructure proposed to be shared and the roles and responsibilities of the entities involved. The government will review the application and approve or reject it based on certain criteria and conditions.

Right of way for cable operators: (Section 38)

This section defines the right of way for broadcasting networks and outlines the procedures and conditions for facility providers to seek permission to establish broadcasting networks on public and private properties. The key points are:

a) Definitions: It clarifies terms like “facility provider,” “public entity,” and  “public property.”

(b) Right of Way on Public Property: Facility providers can apply to public entities to seek permissions for right of way on public property for broadcasting networks. The public entity must process the applications promptly and grant permission subject to prescribed administrative expenses and compensation.

(c) Right of Way on Other Properties: Facility providers can seek right of way on non-public properties by entering into agreements with the property owners. The facility provider must restore the property if any damage occurs during the establishment of the broadcasting network

(d) Non-discriminatory and Non-exclusive Grant: Any person providing right of way must do so in a non-discriminatory and, if possible, non-exclusive manner.

(e) Broadcasting Network Distinct from Property: Facility providers have no ownership of the property where the broadcasting network is installed. The network is not subject to property-related claims or encumbrances.

(f) Power of Central Government to Establish Common Ducts and Cable Corridors: The government may establish common ducts or cable corridors for broadcasting networks and provide open access to facility providers on prescribed terms.

(g) Removal, Relocation, or Alteration of Broadcasting Network: Property owners may require the facility provider to remove, relocate, or alter the network when dealing with the property, and they must compensate the facility provider if applicable.

(h) Notice for Exercising Legal Right: Any person intending to exercise a right that may damage or interfere with the broadcasting network must provide prior notice to the facility provider or relevant authorities.

(i) Dispute Resolution: District Magistrates have exclusive powers to resolve disputes related to this section, and their decisions are final.

Provisions for emerging and future broadcasting technologies: This section(Section 39) empowers the Central Government to make the provisions of this Act applicable to broadcasting networks that use new technologies and methods.

The government can do so if these networks meet certain criteria, are similar to existing broadcasting networks, and operate as systematic business, professional, journalistic, or commercial activities.

Registration for providing audience measurement services: This section  (Section 40) states that individuals or organizations intending to provide audience measurement services must apply for registration to the registering authority. The authority will consider eligibility criteria and conditions before   granting registration. Applicants can appeal a refusal by the registering authority to the Appellate Authority.

Transitional provision: This section (Section 41) ensures a smooth transition or individuals or organizations already registered or granted permission under previous broadcasting regulations. They will be deemed registered, approved, or notified under this Act. However, they may need to provide a notification to self certify compliance with the provisions of this Act within a prescribed time period.

Application of other laws not barred: This section (Section 42) clarifies that the provisions of this Act are in addition to, and not in derogation of, other existing laws related to various areas such as drugs, cosmetics, trademarks, cinematography, consumer protection, and telecommunications.

Power to make rules: This section (Section 43) grants the Central Government the power to make rules for the effective implementation of the provisions of this Act. The rules can cover a wide range of matters, including registration, eligibility criteria, obligations, penalties, and other details related to broadcasting services and networks.

Power of the Central Government to issue guidelines: This section (Section 44) authorizes the Central Government to issue guidelines to fulfill the objectives of this Act. Existing guidelines issued before this Act will be deemed valid, but any inconsistency with this Act will be void. Penalties specified in these guidelines will be applicable.

Delegation of powers by the Central Government: This section (Section 45) allows the Central Government to delegate its powers and functions under this Act, except for rule-making powers and certain specified powers, to designated officers.

Rules to be laid before Parliament This section (Section 46) mandates that all rules made under this Act must be presented before both Houses of Parliament for a period of 30 days. If both Houses agree to modify or reject the rule, it will be modified accordingly or become void, but previously taken actions based on the rule will remain valid.

Power to remove difficulties: This section (Section 47) empowers the Central Government to make provisions through orders published in the Official Gazette to overcome any difficulties in implementing the provisions of this Act. These orders need to be laid before both Houses of Parliament.

Savings and repeal: This section (Section 48) addresses the continuity of rules and notifications made under the previous Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, 1995. Such rules and notifications will be deemed to have been made under this Act, unless they are inconsistent. The Cable Television Network (Regulation) Act, 1995, will be repealed on a notified date. Actions taken under the repealed act will be considered as if done under this Act, and pending proceedings will continue.


Copy of the BIll

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Bangalore Traffic Violation Fraud

It appears that the Bangalore traffic police is generating bogus challans for whatever reasons they have found.

I today observed a challan against one of the vehicles known to me. The challan is not backed by any evidence. The violation is indicated as DIGITAB violation which means that it has been captured by some device. Then there has to be an image available which is not provided.

I request the Commissioner to check if there is any duplicate numbered vehicle or is it simply a scam?

I will provide more details on request.


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