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Privacy and Media..Do we need a Sector Specific Privacy law?

Media is considered the fourth pillar of democracy and “Free Press” is considered the hallmark of a mature democratic society. The same society also holds “Privacy Right” in high esteem. But often the “Privacy Right” of individuals clash with the … Continue reading

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Cyber Abuse is not Free Speech and Virtual Reality is not Reality

(This article was first published on The tragic suicide of a girl in Salem who could not tolerate the threats to her dignity on the world of the face book and decided to end her life is an indication … Continue reading

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Writ Petition to Re-activate Mumbai Adjudication filed in Nagpur-Opportunity for positive changes

Mr Rajesh Aggarwal was one of the most active IT secretaries in recent times who pursued diligently his additional responsibility as an “Adjudicator” under Section 46 of Information Technology Act 2000. Unfortunately, he was shifted some time back to duties … Continue reading

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Supreme Court’s mistake is behind an innocent girl’s suicide in Salem

Last year, two erudite Honourable Judges of the Supreme Court of India namely Justice F.Nariman and Justice Chelmeshwar heard a case filed by one Ms Shreya Singhal on the misuse of Facebook. These were cases where the Police had interpreted … Continue reading

Posted in Cyber Law | 1 Comment

Has RBI Permitted Social Media Banking?.. What about audit of Mobile Apps?

We have been following the discussions on how the Unified Payment Interface introduced by RBI has created one big security risk where the telecom links have been provided a direct access to Banking transactions server through execution of USSD codes. … Continue reading

Posted in ITA 2008 | 1 Comment

Mobile Apps of Banks ..Not audited by RBI?

Today, I received an interesting question posed to me through the Cyber Law Guru mobile APP. The question was posed by one by name “Sisirk” and stated as follows: Question: As per their RTI reply, RBI hasn’t really given permission … Continue reading

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